Free Real Estate Employee Evaluation Form Template
Real Estate Employee Evaluation Form
With this Real Estate Employee Evaluation Form, assess the employee's performance in each area using the provided rating scale and provide specific comments or observations where necessary.
Evaluation Details
Evaluator Name: |
Position: |
Evaluation Period: |
Employee Information
Employee Name: |
Position: |
Department: |
Performance Ratings
Please rate the employee's performance in each area on a scale from 1 to 5, where:
1 - Unsatisfactory
2 - Below Expectations
3 - Meets Expectations
4 - Exceeds Expectations
5 - Outstanding
Performance Area |
Rating (1-5) |
Comments |
Sales Performance |
Communication Skills |
Marketing Proficiency |
Customer Service |
Knowledge of Regulations |
Time Management |
Teamwork |
Professionalism |
Overall Performance |
Evaluator's Comments and Recommendations:
[Evaluator Name]
[Your Company Name]