Freelance Public Relations (PR) Contract

Freelance Public Relations (PR) Contract

This contract ("Contract") is an agreement made on this [Date] between [Freelancer's Name], having a principal address at [Freelancer's Address] hereinafter referred to as the "Freelancer", and [Client's Name], having a principal place of business at [Client's Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Client".


Freelancer agrees to provide PR services to the Client as outlined below:

1.1 Description of PR services to be provided

  • Develop and execute strategic PR campaigns to enhance the client's brand visibility and reputation.

  • Cultivate relationships with media outlets and influencers to secure press coverage and media placements.

  • Create compelling press releases, media pitches, and other PR materials to communicate key messages to target audiences.

  • Monitor media coverage and provide regular reports and analyses to the client.

1.2 Specific deliverables

  • Bi-monthly press releases announcing new product launches and company updates.

  • Securing a minimum of three media placements per month in top-tier publications.

  • Developing a comprehensive media contact list segmented by industry and region.

  • Monthly PR performance reports outlining key metrics such as media impressions, website traffic, and social media engagement.

1.3 Additional services agreed upon

  • Conducting media training sessions for key executives to prepare them for interviews and press engagements.

  • Providing crisis communication support in the event of a PR crisis or negative publicity.

  • Assisting with event planning and coordination for product launches, press conferences, or industry events.

  • Offering social media management services to amplify PR efforts and engage with target audiences online.


Client agrees to compensate Freelancer for the PR services as follows:

  1. Total Fee:$5,000 for the entire PR campaign as agreed upon by both parties.

  2. Payment Schedule:

  • An upfront payment of 30% ($1,500) is due upon signing this contract to secure Freelancer's services.

  • Two milestone payments of 35% ($1,750 each) will be due upon the completion of specific project milestones, as outlined below:

    • Milestone 1: Completion and approval of the initial PR strategy and media contact list.

    • Milestone 2: Delivery of the final PR materials, including press releases and media pitches.

  • Final payment of 5% ($250) will be due upon successful completion and delivery of all project deliverables.

  1. Late Payment:

  • Late Payment: A late fee of 1.5% per month will be charged on any outstanding balances not paid within [X] days of the payment due date specified in this contract.


The initiation of the project is scheduled to take place on the specified start date, which is [Start Date]. Following the commencement, it is anticipated that the entire project will reach its completion by [End Date]. However, this specified end date is flexible and changes might be made based on any extensions or alterations that have been mutually agreed upon by all parties involved.


Any rights about the intellectual property that is associated with the public relations materials developed throughout this project will solely be the possession of [Client/Freelancer]. This condition stands unless there is a written agreement previously settled on that states otherwise.


Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information disclosed during the project and not to disclose it to any third parties without prior written consent.


This Contract may be terminated by either party if there is a material breach. To enact this termination, the party seeking to end the contract must provide written notice to the other party. Moreover, this Contract can be terminated by any party for any other reason deemed necessary. However, in such instances, a notice period of 30 days must be given in writing to the other party before the termination can be enacted.


Client agrees the client agrees that they will indemnify, which is to financially protect or compensate, the Freelancer and hold them harmless, absolving them of any responsibility, in the event of any claims, damages, or liabilities that may arise as a direct or indirect result of the Client's use of public relations materials provided by the Freelancer


The stipulations and regulations outlined in this Contract will fall under the governance of and will be interpreted by, the established laws of the specified State or Country.

The parties hereby acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this Contract and agree to be bound by its provisions.

[Freelancer's Name]

[Date Signed]

[Client's Name]

[Date Signed]

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