Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) Contract

Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) Contract

This Foreign Domestic Worker Contract (the "Contract") is entered into on this 16th day of August 2054 (the "Effective Date"), by and between EMPLOYER NAME, with an address at EMPLOYER'S ADDRESS (the "Employer"), and FOREIGN DOMESTIC WORKER NAME, with an address at DOMESTIC WORKER'S ADDRESS (the "Domestic Worker").


  1. The Employer shall provide explicit and understandable instructions regarding the tasks to be completed by the Domestic Worker, which may include, but are not limited to:

    • Cleaning tasks

    • Various aspects of cooking

    • Laundry duties

    • Managing childcare responsibilities

    • Other duties as mutually agreed upon

  2. The Employer shall ensure that the location where the FDW will be performing their duties is a safe working environment that adheres to all proper safety regulations and guidelines.


As a form of compensation for the services provided to the employer by the Domestic Worker, it is agreed upon by the employer that they will remunerate the Domestic Worker with a timely salary. The agreed-upon amount of this salary is set at [AMOUNT] to be paid every month. To ensure punctuality and consistency, this payment will be made on a specific [PAYMENT DATE] of every month.


In acknowledgment of the significance of maintaining a harmonious work-life balance and ensuring compliance with legal stipulations, the following regulations concerning working hours and rest days are hereby delineated:

Working Hours:

  1. The Employer pledges to furnish the Domestic Worker with reasonable working hours that align with the pertinent employment statutes in the Employer's jurisdiction.

Rest Days:

  1. The Domestic Worker shall be entitled to a prescribed number of rest days per week, as mandated by prevailing legislation.

  2. Any additional hours exceeding the standard working hours shall be remunerated following the pertinent regulations.

  3. The Employer shall collaboratively establish with the Domestic Worker the schedule of rest days, taking into account operational exigencies and the preferences of the Domestic Worker.

  4. The Employer shall refrain from compelling the Domestic Worker to work on their designated rest days, except upon mutual agreement or in exigent circumstances as delineated by relevant laws.


This Contract may be terminated by either party with written notice scheduled to take effect at least one month from the date of issuance. Alternatively, immediate termination may occur upon payment in place of notice. The Employer reserves the right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect in cases where the Domestic Worker exhibits a failure or inability to adequately perform their duties as per the agreed-upon standard.


The governance and interpretation of this Contract shall be under the legal jurisdiction and purview of the laws of the [EMPLOYMENT COUNTRY], this being the country where the employment is situated. If any disagreements or controversies arise in association with, or directly about this Contract, they shall be brought forward and determined either through litigation or arbitration processes specifically in the said employment country.


The only circumstances under which amendments or modifications to this Contract can occur is when both parties involved come to a mutual agreement regarding the changes. These changes, once agreed upon, must be documented in a written format. The purpose of this written documentation is to provide a tangible and verifiable sign of consent from both parties, confirming their agreement to the said changes in the Contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date.





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