Designer Contract


This Designer Contract (the “Contract ”) is dated this day of [DATE] and is between [Designer's Name] (the "Designer") of [Your Company Name], and [Client's Name] (the "Client") collectively referred to as the "Parties".

1. Scope of Work

The Designer agrees to provide design services as described here: logo design, brand identity, and website design. These services include the creation of a unique logo that reflects the Client's brand values, the development of a comprehensive brand identity package (including color schemes, typography, and usage guidelines), and designing a user-friendly, responsive website tailored to the Client's needs. These services are intended to meet the objectives and expectations as mutually agreed upon by the Parties.


The Client shall compensate the Designer of $5,000 for the Services rendered. This compensation will be paid according to the following schedule: An upfront deposit of $1,000 is required upon signing this Contract to commence work. Subsequent payment milestones are as follows: $2,000 upon completion of the logo design and brand identity package, and the remaining $2,000 upon final delivery and approval of the website design.


The Client agrees to pay all invoices issued by the Designer within 30 days from the date of invoice issuance. Late payments may be subject to additional charges or late fees as specified here: a late fee of 2% of the outstanding invoice amount per month, accruing daily until the invoice is paid in full.

4. Project Timeline and Deadlines

The Services provided under this Contract are to be completed according to the following timeline: The project kickoff date is set for April 1, 2050, with the logo design and brand identity package to be completed by April 30, 2050. The website design phase will commence on May 1, 2050, with a final delivery date of June 30, 2050. The Parties agree to adhere to this schedule unless mutually agreed upon changes are made in writing.


Upon full payment, the Designer assigns to the Client the exclusive ownership rights to the final designs produced under this Contract. Preliminary works, drafts, and any unused concepts remain the intellectual property of the Designer unless explicitly stated otherwise.


Both Parties agree to treat all information related to the Contract's scope of work and any information exchanged during the execution of the project as confidential, not to be disclosed to any third party without prior written consent.


This Contract is effective from the date first written above and will continue until the Services are completed and delivered to the Client's satisfaction. Either Party may terminate the Contract with 30 days' notice for any breach of contract terms that is not remedied within 15 days of written notification of such breach.

8. Amendments

Any changes to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both Parties to be effective.

9. Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction], and any disputes will be resolved under the laws of this jurisdiction.

10. Dispute Resolution

Should any disputes arise from this Contract, the Parties agree first to seek resolution through mediation before resorting to legal action. Disputes will be resolved within the jurisdiction of [Jurisdiction].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Your Name]
Date Signed:

[Client's Name]
Date Signed:

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