Art Commission Contract

Art Commission Contract

This Art Commission Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into effective July 1, 2050, by and between [Client Name], located at 2917 Pick Street Joes, CO 80822 (hereinafter referred to as the "Client"), and [Artist Name], located at 4580 Elmwood Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19103 (hereinafter referred to as the "Artist").


  1. Scope of Commission: Client hereby commissions Artist to create [description of artwork] ("Artwork") for [purpose of artwork] ("Purpose"). The artist shall create the Artwork following the specifications mutually agreed upon by the parties.

  2. Artist's Responsibilities: The artist agrees to diligently and professionally create the Artwork under the agreed specifications. The artist shall provide regular updates on the progress of the Artwork and shall seek the Client's feedback as necessary.


Once it initiates on the Effective Date specified within the agreement, this Contract will remain in effect and continue without interruption until the Artwork is fully completed and delivered as outlined in this agreement. However, it should also be noted that the Contract could end prematurely, before the completed Artwork is delivered if terminated under the termination clauses and provisions contained within this agreement.

Work Allocation

  1. Timeline: The parties shall agree upon a mutually acceptable timeline for the creation and delivery of the Artwork.

  2. Materials and Resources: The client shall provide the necessary materials and resources as agreed upon for the creation of the Artwork. Any additional materials required shall be mutually agreed upon in writing and shall be at the Client's expense.


  1. Commission Fee: The client shall pay the Artist a commission fee of [amount] for the creation of the Artwork, payable as follows: [payment schedule].

  2. Expenses: Client shall reimburse Artist for reasonable and documented expenses incurred in the creation of the Artwork, subject to prior approval by Client.

Rights and Obligations

  1. Ownership: Upon full payment of the commission fee, the Artist retains all rights, title, and interest in the Artwork, including but not limited to copyright. Client shall have the right to use the Artwork for the Purpose as specified herein.

  2. Credit: The client agrees to credit the Artist whenever the Artwork is used or displayed publicly unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.


  1. Termination for Cause: Either party may terminate this Contract immediately upon written notice for a material breach by the other party unless such breach is cured within [number] days of receiving written notice.

  2. Termination for Convenience: Client may terminate this Contract for convenience upon [number] days' written notice to Artist. In such event, Client shall compensate Artist for work completed up to the date of termination.


  1. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep confidential all information disclosed during the term of this Contract, including but not limited to artistic concepts, designs, and financial information.

  2. Exceptions: Confidentiality obligations shall not apply to publicly available information, rightfully obtained from a third party without obligation of confidentiality, or required to be disclosed by law.

Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of [State/Country], without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Entire Agreement

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date.

[Client Name]

[Date Signed]

[Artist Name]

[Date Signed]

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