Illinois General Affidavit

Illinois General Affidavit


State of Illinois

County of [County Name]

I, [Your Name], being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:

Statement of Facts

  1. I am of legal age and competent to make this affidavit, and I have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein.

  2. I reside at [Your Address] in [City], in the State of Illinois.

  3. On [Date], I was served with a summons to appear in [Court Name] regarding a legal proceeding concerning a civil dispute related to property ownership and boundary disputes.

  4. I have carefully reviewed all the documents related to the case, including the summons, complaint, and any other relevant materials.

  5. After reviewing the documents and considering the matter thoroughly, I believe that the allegations made against me in the complaint are unfounded and without merit.

  6. I affirm that I have diligently followed all legal procedures and requirements in responding to the summons and participating in the legal process to the best of my ability.

  7. Throughout this legal proceeding, I have conducted myself with honesty and integrity, providing truthful information and cooperating fully with the court and any legal representatives involved.

Sworn Oath

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Illinois that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on this [Date].


[Your Name]

Subscribed and sworn to before me this [Day] day of [Month], [Year].

[Notary Public's Name]

Notary Public, State of Illinois

My Commission Expires: [Expiry Date]

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