Washington Affidavit of Heirship

Washington Affidavit of Heirship


COUNTY OF [County Name]


I, [YOUR NAME], of legal age, residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], being duly sworn, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the following is true and correct:

Statement of Facts:

  1. The decedent, [Decedent's Name], passed away on [Date], in [City/Town], Washington, and their last known residence was [Address].

  2. As the [Your Relationship to the Decedent] of the decedent, I have intimate and personal knowledge of their family history and the specific circumstances that surrounded their estate at the time of their passing.

  3. This understanding is rooted in my close relationship with the decedent, through which I became thoroughly acquainted with the details of their familial ties, their possessions, and any arrangements they had made for their estate.

  4. This affidavit is prepared in light of my comprehensive awareness of the decedent's personal and familial background, aiming to accurately convey the necessary information for the appropriate handling and distribution of their assets in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.

  5. The decedent died intestate (without a will). According to the laws of the State of Washington, the heirs entitled to the estate are as follows:

    • [Heir #1 Name], Relationship: [Relationship to Decedent], Address: [Address]

    • [Heir #2 Name], Relationship: [Relationship to Decedent], Address: [Address]

  6. The assets of the decedent requiring transfer to the heirs under this affidavit include:

    • [Description of Asset #1, including any account numbers, location, etc.]

    • [Description of Asset #2]


The total value of the decedent’s estate subject to this affidavit does not exceed the statutory limit defined by Washington law for small estates, allowing for the avoidance of the formal probate process. All debts and taxes of the decedent's estate have been paid or adequately provided for.

This affidavit is executed in good faith to facilitate the transfer of the described assets to the rightful heirs as determined under Washington law.

I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on this [Day] of [Month], [Year], at [City], Washington.



[Notary Public Name]

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