Free Cleaning Services Procurement Request Form Template


Free Cleaning Services Procurement Request Form Template

Cleaning Services Procurement Request Form

This Cleaning Services Procurement Request Form has been designed to streamline the process of gathering pertinent details to ensure that the services provided align with our requirements.

Requestor Information


[Your Name]



Phone Number:

Service Details:

Type of Cleaning Service Needed:

[Office cleaning]

Frequency of Service:


Estimated Square Footage/Area to be Cleaned:

[1000 square feet]

Preferred Start Date:


Duration of Contract (if applicable):

[6 months]

Special Requirements or Instructions:

Location Information:

Building Name/Address:

[Your Company Address]

Floor/Unit Number (if applicable):

[Floor/Unit Number]

Additional Information:

Budget Allocation for Cleaning Services:


Preferred Payment Terms:

[Monthly billing]

Other Comments or Questions:

Your prompt and thorough completion of this form is greatly appreciated, as it will enable us to assess potential service providers efficiently and make informed decisions regarding the selection of the most suitable cleaning service for our facilities.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

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