Wyoming Affidavit of Heirship

Wyoming Affidavit of Heirship


COUNTY OF [County Name]


I, [YOUR NAME], of legal age, residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], being duly sworn, do hereby depose and say:

Statement of Facts:

  1. The decedent, [Decedent's Name], passed away on [Date] in [City/Town], Wyoming. Their last known residence prior to passing was [Address].

  2. As the [Your Relationship to the Decedent] of the decedent, I possess in-depth and personal knowledge of the decedent's family history, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the circumstances that surrounded their estate at the time of their death.

  3. This affidavit is being made based on my intimate familiarity with the decedent’s life, familial relationships, and their assets and liabilities, all of which position me to accurately attest to the necessary details required for the lawful distribution of the decedent's assets in accordance with Wyoming law.

  4. The decedent died intestate, without a valid Last Will and Testament. According to the laws of the State of Wyoming, the heirs entitled to the estate are as follows:

    • [Heir #1 Name], Relationship: [Relationship to Decedent], Address: [Address]

    • [Heir #2 Name], Relationship: [Relationship to Decedent], Address: [Address]

    • (Continue listing all known heirs)

  5. The decedent owned the following assets that require transfer to the heirs under this affidavit:

    • [Description of Asset #1, including any account numbers, location, etc.]

    • [Description of Asset #2]

    • (Continue as necessary)


The total value of the decedent’s estate subject to this affidavit does not exceed the statutory limit defined by Wyoming law for small estates. This affidavit is made in good faith for the purpose of collecting the decedent's assets and distributing them to the rightful heirs in accordance with Wyoming law.

Executed on this [Day] of [Month], [Year].




Affidavit Templates @ Template.net