Teacher Contract

Teacher Contract

This Teacher Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Date], by and between [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Institution," and [Name of Teacher], residing at [Address of Teacher], hereinafter referred to as the "Teacher."

Employment Details

  1. Position Title: The Teacher shall serve as a [Position Title] at the Institution.

  2. Job Description and Duties: The Teacher agrees to perform all duties and responsibilities associated with the position, including but not limited to curriculum development, lesson planning, classroom instruction, student assessment, and participation in school-related activities.

  3. Work Schedule: The Teacher's regular work schedule shall be [Days of the Week] from [Start Time] to [End Time], with additional hours and days as required by the Institution.


  1. Salary: The Teacher shall be compensated at the rate of [Salary Amount] per [Salary Frequency], payable on [Payment Schedule].

  2. Benefits: The Teacher shall be entitled to [List of Benefits, if applicable], by the Institution's policies and regulations.

  3. Allowances: The Teacher may be eligible for additional allowances, such as [List of Allowances, if applicable], subject to approval by the Institution.

Term of Employment

  1. Start Date: The term of employment shall commence on [Start Date] and continue until [End Date] unless terminated earlier by the provisions of this Contract.

  2. Renewal or Termination: This Contract may be renewed or terminated by mutual agreement of both parties or by the termination provisions outlined herein.

Professional Conduct

  1. Code of Conduct: The Teacher agrees to adhere to the Institution's code of conduct, ethics, and professional standards at all times during the term of employment.

  2. Compliance with Policies and Regulations: The Teacher shall comply with all policies, procedures, and regulations established by the Institution, including those related to student discipline, safety, and welfare.


The Teacher acknowledges that they may have access to confidential information belonging to the Institution, its students, or staff and agrees to maintain the confidentiality of such information both during and after the term of employment.

Intellectual Property

Any materials, resources, or intellectual property created by the Teacher in the course of their employment shall be the property of the Institution, and the Teacher hereby assigns all rights, title, and interest in such materials to the Institution.


  1. Grounds for Termination: This Contract may be terminated by either party for just cause, including but not limited to breach of contract, misconduct, insubordination, or incompetence.

  2. Notice Period: In the event of termination, the terminating party shall provide [Notice Period] written notice to the other party, except in cases of gross misconduct, in which termination may be immediate.

Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising under or related to this Contract shall be resolved through good faith negotiations between the parties. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute amicably, they agree to submit the matter to mediation or arbitration by the laws of [Jurisdiction].

Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed by the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any legal action arising under or related to this Contract shall be brought exclusively in the courts of [Jurisdiction].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Your Company Name]

By: [Your Name]

[Date Signed]

[Name of Teacher]

[Date Signed]

Contract Templates @ Template.net