Free Independent Study Syllabus Template



Free Independent Study Syllabus Template

Independent Study Syllabus


Course Title


Course Code


Institution Hours


Class Location


Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

This course is designed for students undertaking independent study projects. It is aimed to provide structure and guidance in self-directed academic pursuits, allowing the learners to explore in-depth the subjects or issues they are passionate about, while developing self-learning and research skills.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]


3. Learning Objectives

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of self-directed study and its benefits.

  • Acquire practical knowledge on effectively researching and citing resources.

  • Develop a thorough and sophisticated research question, and work toward answering it.

  • Craft a research or project proposal, outlining the aim, methodology, and significance of your independent project.

  • Learn to present and defend your research outcomes.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to self-directed study



Research Methodology

Lecture and Practice


Development of Research/Project Proposal

Individual Consultations and Drafting Proposal


Research/Project Implementation

Independent Work


Progress Report

Submission and Review


Midterm Check-in

Evaluation and Feedback


Finalizing Research Outcomes

Revision and Preparation for Presentation


Presentation of Outcomes

Final Presentation

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • Independent Study in Higher Education: A Guide to Practices - (Allan, Eatough, and Simpson)

  • The Craft of Research - (Booth, Colomb, and Williams)

  • How to Read a Book - (Adler and Van Doren)

  • A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations - (Turabian)

  • Online resources and databases as relevant to each student's specific project.

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Class Participation: Active and thoughtful participation in all class activities.

  • Proposal Submission: Submission of comprehensive and feasible research or project proposal.

  • Progress Report: Periodically submitting progress report for tracking and evaluating task completion.

  • Final Report: Submission of a complete, well-written report of your research findings.

  • Presentation: Successful preparation and presentation of your research outcomes.

7. Course Policy

  • Attendance: Although primarily self-directed, regular check-in meetings are required for evaluations and guidance.

  • Email: Please allow 24-48 hours for email responses during working days.

  • Respect: Respect for other's ideas and contributions during class discussions is paramount.

  • Academic Honesty: Original work and appropriate citations are strictly enforced. Plagiarism will be dealt with according to policy.

  • Consultation: Regular discussion and consultation with the instructor is strongly encouraged.

8. Grading Policy

Grading Component

Weight (%)

Proposal Submission


Progress Reports


Final Report




Class Participation


9. Additional Resources

  • Explore online databases tailored to your research area, such as PubMed, JSTOR, or Google Scholar.

  • Utilize academic journals in your field to access peer-reviewed articles and research findings.

  • Consider relevant books on your topic available in both physical and digital formats.

  • Seek out scholarly articles published in reputable journals that delve into specific aspects of your chosen subject.

  • Take advantage of the instructor's guidance and expertise to navigate and access these resources effectively.

10. Academic Integrity

  1. Originality: All submitted work must be the student's own creation, free from unauthorized collaboration or reproduction.

  2. Proper Citation: Any sources used must be appropriately cited following academic referencing guidelines.

  3. Zero Tolerance: Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary action.

  4. Integrity: Students are expected to uphold the highest standards of honesty and academic integrity throughout their independent study projects.

  5. Accountability: Each student is responsible for ensuring their work reflects their own efforts and adheres to academic integrity standards.

11. Communication Guidelines

  1. Regular Communication: Students should maintain regular communication with the instructor through email or scheduled meetings.

  2. Timely Responses: Prompt responses to emails are expected within 24-48 hours on working days.

  3. Clear and Respectful Communication: Interaction among students and with the instructor should be clear, respectful, and conducive to a positive learning environment.

  4. Facilitating Progress: Effective communication enhances understanding and facilitates progress in independent study projects.

  5. Collaboration: Collaborative communication fosters engagement and encourages constructive feedback exchange between students and the instructor.

12. Course Evaluation

At the conclusion of the course, students will have the opportunity to provide feedback through course evaluations. Your input is valuable and will be used to assess the effectiveness of the course content, structure, and instruction. Feedback from students is instrumental in improving future iterations of the course and ensuring that it continues to meet the needs of learners undertaking independent study projects.


The content and structure of this syllabus are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor or teaching team. Any modifications or updates will be communicated to students in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of each student to stay informed about any changes and adhere to the updated course policies and requirements.

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