Student Behavior Contract

Student Behavior Contract

This Student Behavior Contract (the “Contract”) is prepared and made effective on the 16th day of November 2056, by and between the School Administration (hereinafter referred to as "the School") and the Student (hereinafter referred to as "the Student").

1. Purpose of the Contract

This contract has been created with the primary objective of outlining and establishing acceptable standards of conduct for the Student within the context of the School's educational environment. Not only does it set forth appropriate behaviors to be adhered to, but it also clearly identifies and stipulates the consequences that would be enforced in the event of breaches or violations of the behavior expectations that have been set.

2. Behavior Expectations

In alignment with the principles of academic excellence and communal respect upheld by our educational institution, the student is expected to exemplify a standard of conduct characterized by:

  • Demonstrating unwavering respect and courtesy towards all School personnel and fellow students.

  • Upholding unwavering integrity in all academic pursuits, exhibiting honesty and accountability in their work.

  • Manifesting a profound respect for School property, recognizing it as a shared resource to be safeguarded and preserved.

  • Maintaining consistent attendance, recognizing its pivotal role in fostering a conducive learning environment.

  • Adhering rigorously to the School's established rules and policies, ensuring a harmonious and orderly educational milieu.

  • Actively contributing to the cultivation and sustenance of a positive learning atmosphere, fostering collaboration, inclusivity, and mutual support among peers.

3. Consequences of Breach

If the student fails to comply with or adhere to the behavior expectations outlined in this contract, they must understand that certain consequences will be enforced under the disciplinary policy of the school. These consequences are established to maintain a conducive learning environment and uphold the standards of behavior expected from all students.

The consequences may include:

  • Detention

  • Suspension

  • Loss of privileges

  • Expulsion, as deemed appropriate by the circumstances.

4. Review and Modifications of the Contract

The Student Behavior Contract is a regularly reviewed and updated document, reflecting institutional policy changes, student behavior, and educational practices. All changes are recorded for transparency and updates are communicated with all parties for renewed agreement.

1. Periodic Reviews:

  • Ensures effectiveness and relevance of the contract.

  • Evaluates alignment with institutional policies and practices.

2. Adjustments or Updates:

  • Made as needed based on review findings.

  • Responds to changes in policies, student behavior, or educational practices.

3. Documentation and Notification:

  • Changes documented for transparency.

  • Notification was provided to all involved parties.

4. Re-signing Process:

  • Confirms agreement to updated terms.

  • Validates commitment from all parties.

5. Agreement

By signing this contract, the School and the Student agree to uphold the terms and conditions laid out in this document. The contract remains active for the duration of the Student's enrollment at the School unless it is revised or terminated through written agreement by both parties. Any violation of the terms of this contract by either party may lead to appropriate actions being taken as per the specific circumstances.

Addresses for Notices

All types of communications related to this contract, which includes notices, requests, demands, or any other type of communication, must be forwarded and delivered to the following address:

For the Student:

[Student's Full Name]

[Student's Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

For the School:

[School's Full Name]

[School's Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Student's Name]


[School Administrator's Name]


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