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Gender Studies Syllabus

Gender Studies Syllabus

Gender Studies Course

Course Title


Course Code


Instructor Name




Office Hours


1. Course Description

The course explores the study of gender dynamics as they intersect with various aspects of society, culture, history, and politics. This exploration entails scrutinizing the social construction of gender, its implications, influence, and interaction with other societal elements.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

Contact Info: [YOUR EMAIL]

Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Analyze the social construction of gender.

  • Examine the intersections between gender and other social categories.

  • Understand and apply gender theory to modern societal issues.

  • Critically evaluate cultural, societal, and historical influences on gender construction.

  • Discuss the impact of gender dynamics on politics and policy making.

4. Course Format:

  • Lectures: Provide foundational knowledge and encourage active participation.

  • Discussions: Foster critical engagement and explore diverse viewpoints.

  • Guest Presentations: Feature experts to connect theory with real-world experiences.

  • Audiovisual Materials: Complement learning with documentaries and films.

  • Group Activities: Promote collaboration and deepen understanding.

  • Online Resources: Offer supplementary materials for flexible learning.

  • Office Hours: Provide personalized support and feedback.

5. Course Schedule



Reading Assignments


Introduction to Gender Studies

  • Chapter 1: The Basics of Gender Studies

  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender Trouble

  • De Beauvoir, S. (1949). The Second Sex


The Social Construction of Gender

  • Lorber, J. (1994). Paradoxes of Gender

  • Fausto-Sterling, A. (2000). Sexing the Body


Feminist Theory and Intersectionality

  • Collins, P. H. (2000). Black Feminist Thought

  • Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the Intersection


Masculinities and Gender Performance

  • Connell, R. W. (1995). Masculinities

  • Kimmel, M. (2017). Angry White Men


LGBTQ+ Studies: Beyond Binaries

  • Serano, J. (2007). Whipping Girl

  • Halberstam, J. (2011). Gaga Feminism


Gender, Race, and Colonialism

  • Mohanty, C. T. (2003). Under Western Eyes

  • Smith, A. (2016). Indigenous Women and Feminism

6. Required Reading and Materials

  1. The Basics of Gender Studies, Author XYZ

  2. Gender and Society, Author ABC

  3. History of Gender, Author DEF

  4. Politics and Gender, Author MNO

  5. The Dialectics of Sex, Author PQR

7. Assignments and Assessments

  • A semiotic analysis of a media text based on gender representation

  • A literature review on the intersection of gender and racial inequality

  • for Gender and its impact on policy making

  • A group presentation on Gender and society

  • An essay on gender implications in global politics

8. Course Policy

  • Attendance is mandatory and warrants active participation in all class activities.

  • All assigned work must be completed on time. Late submissions of work will not be accepted unless under exceptional circumstances discussed with the instructor beforehand.

  • Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. If found guilty, it may result in a failing grade, or more severe academic penalties.

  • Students are expected to maintain respectful and professional behavior throughout the course.

  • Any form of harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated and could lead to severe penalties.

9. Grading Policy



Participation and Attendance




Group presentation


Final essay


10. Disclaimer

The syllabus that you are presented with serves as a guide outline for the duration of this course. However, it is important to note that contingencies may arise necessitating changes to this initial syllabus. In such cases, be assured that you will be informed in advance before any alterations are made.

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