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Acting Syllabus

Acting Syllabus

Acting Techniques Course

Course Title


Course Code


Instructor Name




Office Hours


1. Course Description

This introductory acting course by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is designed to equip students with the fundamentals of acting techniques to enhance their performance skills. The course will cover practical work, theory, detailed character study, and performance appreciation guaranteed to provide a thorough and immersive learning experience.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]
Contact: [YOUR EMAIL]

3. Learning Objectives

  • To understand and apply various acting techniques.

  • To perform monologues, scenes, and ensemble pieces confidently.

  • To develop knowledge of theater history, acting theory, and scripts.

  • To cultivate empathy, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication skills.

  • To prepare for performances, auditions, and appreciate other actors' work.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to acting - Stanislavsky Method

Icebreaking exercises, Monologue performance


Principles of character creation

Character development exercises, Scene study


Improvisational Acting

Improvisational games, Scene creation


Understanding text - Shakespearean Acting

Line reading, Scene performance


Final Showcase Preparation

Rehearsal, Feedback session

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • "An Actor Prepares" by Constantin Stanislavski

  • Script of "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" by William Shakespeare

  • "Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre" by Keith Johnstone

  • "The Actor's Art and Craft" by William Esper

  • Acting Materials: A notebook, pen, comfortable clothing and shoes, and voice recorder

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Monologue Performance: Students will choose, prepare, and perform a monologue from a play of their choice. Rubrics will assess interpretation, use of space, and emotional depth.

  • Scene Study: Students will be cast in scenes, given time to rehearse, and perform them in front of the class.

  • Improvisation: Students will participate in weekly improvisational exercises that encourage quick thinking, imagination, and collaboration.

  • Text analysis: Students will analyse and perform a section from a Shakespearean play, aiming to understand and demonstrate proper interpretation of text.

  • Final Showcase: A formal presentation of scenes performed by the class for a live audience, demonstrating all the skills learned during the course.

7. Course Policies

  • Attendance is mandatory for all classes. Absences will result in grade deduction.

  • Students are expected to demonstrate respect for the instructor and their peers at all times.

  • All assignments must be submitted on time. Late submissions will result in grade reduction.

  • Active participation is necessary. Each student is expected to participate fully in exercises and discussions.

  • Performance critique will be based on the effort and improvement, not on innate talent.

8. Grading Policy



Class Attendance




Completion of Assignments


Performance Improvement


Final Showcase




9. Additional Resources

  • Online videos and tutorials on acting techniques

  • Recommended plays and films for further study

  • Access to online forums or discussion groups for actors

  • Guest speaker sessions with experienced actors or directors

  • Theatre workshops or performances in the local community

10. Academic Integrity

It is anticipated that all students will maintain the most stringent standards of academic integrity. It is an expectation that there should be honesty and fairness in all their academic work. If it is found that any student is guilty of cheating, copying work from others without giving them credit (plagiarism), or other forms of dishonest behavior, such actions will not be acceptable. As drawn by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] regulations and guidelines, disciplinary action will be instituted to address such issues.

11. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students who require accommodations as a result of their disabilities are advised to get in touch with the course instructor at the earliest stage of the course. This allows for a discussion about their specific needs. Any reasonable adjustments and accommodations will assuredly be provided to these students. This will be done in full compliance with any and all laws and regulations that are relevant to this particular situation.


The organization which will herein be referred to as [YOUR COMPANY NAME] maintains the right and authority to implement alterations or modifications to both the syllabus and course schedule as deemed appropriate or necessary. The students or individuals participating in the course will be promptly informed and notified about any such changes or modifications that take place in a fashion that is timely and immediate to ensure they stay updated.

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