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Leadership Syllabus

Leadership Syllabus

Leadership Course

Course Title


Course Code


Instructor Name




Office Hours


1. Course Title and Description

This course aims to develop confident and capable leaders who can drive positive change in the workplace. Participants will learn essential leadership skills including strategic planning, decision-making, team development, communication, and maintaining a positive work environment.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

Contact Info: [YOUR EMAIL]

Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Develop strategic planning and decision-making skills.

  • Learn effective team development strategies.

  • Enhance communication skills for better interpersonal relations.

  • Understand how to create and maintain a positive work environment.

  • Learn self-development practices for continual leadership growth.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Strategic Planning

Case Study Analysis


Developing Decisive Leadership Abilities

Group Discussion


Effective Team Development Strategies

Leadership Activity


Mastering Communication Skills

Oral Presentation


Maintaining Positive Workplace Environment

Final Project Presentation

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • "The Art of Leadership" by Michael Lopp.

  • "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries.

  • "Emotional Intelligence at Work" by Daniel Goleman.

  • "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink.

  • "Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World" by General Stanley McChrystal.

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Case study analysis: Examination of strategic planning in successful companies.

  • Group discussion: Debate on effective decision-making methods.

  • Leadership activity: Simulation exercises to build team development skills.

  • Oral presentation: Demonstration of improved communication abilities.

  • Final project presentation: Plan to create/maintain a positive work environment in a given scenario.

7. Course Policy

  • Participants must attend and contribute to all meetings and workshops.

  • All assignments must be submitted by assigned due dates unless extenuating circumstances apply.

  • Respect for all participants and their ideas is required at all times.

  • Academic integrity must be upheld, with no tolerance for plagiarism or unattributed copying.

  • Constructive feedback is encouraged in all collaborative activities.

8. Grading Policy







Group discussions


Final project


9. Assessment and Evaluation

  • Participation in class activities and discussions.

  • Completion of assignments and practical exercises.

  • Final project: Develop a leadership development plan for a hypothetical team or organization.

10. Required Resources

  • Projector and screen for presentations.

  • Whiteboard or flip chart for group activities.

  • Handouts and supplementary materials as needed.

  • Access to online learning platforms for virtual sessions.

11. Disclaimer

The syllabus that has been given to the participants is not something that is permanently fixed and unchangeable. It has the potential to experience changes, alterations, or modifications as and when it is found necessary or beneficial to the planning and execution of the course or program. In cases where adjustments are made to the syllabus, the participants involved will not be kept uninformed or oblivious about such modifications. On the contrary, they will be timely informed and updated about the changes that have been incorporated in the syllabus in order to maintain transparency and clarity.

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