Free High School English Syllabus Template



Free High School English Syllabus Template

High School English Syllabus

English Literature Course

Course Title


Course Code


Instructor Name




School Hours


School Location


Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

In this English Literature course, we will dive into a variety of literary works ranging from traditional classics to modern prose. Students will be expected to develop analytical skills for textual interpretations, increase understanding of cultural and historical contexts of literature, and improve their written and communicative abilities.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Develop critical thinking skills to analyze and interpret literary texts.

  • Improve written and oral communication skills through essays and discussions.

  • Understand the influence of historical and cultural contexts on literature.

  • Foster an appreciation for diverse literary genres and styles.

  • Advance research skills for academic writing and inquiries.

4. Course Schedule



Reading Material


Introduction to English Literature

  • Overview of English Literature

  • Importance and significance of studying literature

  • Key literary terms and concepts


Classical Literature

  • Ancient Greek and Roman literature

  • Major works and authors

  • Influence on modern literature


Literary Analysis

  • Techniques of literary analysis

  • Close reading strategies

  • Application to classical texts

5. Required Reading and Materials

  1. "The Norton Introduction to Literature"

  2. "The Odyssey" by Homer

  3. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

  4. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

  5. "1984" by George Orwell

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Essay Assignments: These assignments will test your analytical and interpretative skills through written exploration of the assigned readings.

  • Class Discussions: Active participation in class discussions is required to enhance understanding and appreciation of the texts.

  • Mid-Term Exam: A written exam covering the first half of the course material will determine your comprehension and interpretive skills.

  • Group Projects: Collaborative projects will instill teamwork and collaborative interpretation of the literature.

  • Final Exam: The final exam will cover the entirety of the course material, testing the student's thorough understanding and analytical skills.

7. Course Policy

  • Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial. More than three unexcused absences will affect your final grade.

  • Participation: Active participation in class discussion is expected and will be considered in your final grade.

  • Late Work: No late work will be accepted unless due to an illness or emergency, with proof.

  • Plagiarism: Any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated and could result in a failing grade for the assignment or the course.

  • Behavior: Respect for the teacher and classmates is expected in class. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

8. Grading Policy



Essay Assignments


Class Discussions


Mid-Term Exam


Group Projects


Final Exam




9. Classroom Expectations

  1. Come prepared for class with assigned readings completed and necessary materials.

  2. Respect the opinions and contributions of classmates during discussions.

  3. Engage in active listening and participate constructively in class activities.

  4. Use electronic devices responsibly and only when permitted by the instructor.

  5. Maintain a clean and organized learning environment by disposing of trash and keeping desks tidy.

10. Feedback and Communication

  • Feedback on assignments and assessments will be provided promptly to aid in student improvement.

  • Students are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification during office hours or via email.

  • The instructor will communicate any changes to the syllabus or course schedule in advance.


The syllabus that has been provided, though thoughtful consideration has been taken for its creation, is not completely unalterable; changes can be made according to the discretion and professional judgement of the teacher. If there comes a time when modifications are required and thus have been instigated, the students will be informed without delay to ensure transparency and a shared understanding concerning any alterations that may impact their coursework.

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