Free High School Chemistry Syllabus Template



Free High School Chemistry Syllabus Template

High School Chemistry Syllabus

Chemistry Course

Course Title


Course Code


Class Location


Class Time


School Name


Class Duration


1. Course Description

This course is designed to introduce high school students to the fundamental concepts of Chemistry. Through interactive lectures, readings, and laboratory work, students will expand their understanding of the composition, properties, and changes of matter and apply them to real-world situations.

2. Instructor Information

Name: [Your Name]
Email: [Your Email]

Office Hours: [Days and Times]

Classroom: [Room Number]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand and apply foundational chemistry concepts and terminology.

  • Relate chemical reactions to everyday life.

  • Develop problem-solving skills in a chemical context.

  • Appreciate the relevance and power of chemistry as a tool in understanding the world.

  • Conduct basic chemistry experiments with safety consciousness.

4. Course Schedule



Reading Assignment


Introduction to Chemistry

Chapter 1


Atomic Structure & Periodic Table

Chapter 2 & 3


Chemical Bonding

Chapter 4


Chemical Reactions

Chapter 5



Chapter 6


Gases and Their Properties

Chapter 7


Solutions and Their Behavior

Chapter 8


Acids and Bases

Chapter 9


Chemical Kinetics

Chapter 10


Chemical Equilibrium

Chapter 11

5. Laboratory Requirements

  • Lab Coat

  • Safety Goggles

  • Closed-toe Shoes

  • Laboratory Notebook

6. Required Reading and Materials

  1. "High School Chemistry Textbook", Publisher Name

  2. Scientific Calculator

  3. Laboratory Safety Equipment (Goggles, Lab Coat, etc.)

  4. Notebook for Lab Notes

  5. Access to a Computer for Online Components

7. Assignments and Assessments

  • Weekly Quizzes: Multiple choice quizzes assessing understanding of weekly topics.

  • Experiments: Hands-on lab experiments applying chemistry concepts.

  • Midterm Exam: Cumulative test of knowledge gained in the first half of the semester.

  • Final Project: Students will present a chemical reaction, explaining the process and relevance.

  • Final Exam: Cumulative test of knowledge gained throughout the semester.

8. Course Policy

  • Respect for all students and instructor in class.

  • Active participation in lectures and labs.

  • Absences only excused for illness or emergency. Inform the instructor in advance.

  • All assignments must be submitted by the due date. Late submissions will lose points.

  • Academic integrity must be maintained. Cheating or plagiarism will result in a fail.

9. Grading Policy

  • Exams (3): 45%

  • Laboratory Reports: 20%

  • Homework Assignments: 15%

  • Class Participation: 10%

  • Final Project: 10%


The syllabus for this course should not be viewed as unalterable or set in stone. It may undergo adjustments and changes as and when required, depending on the progression of the course and other external factors. If such changes occur or modifications are made to the syllabus, a prior announcement will be made.

This is to ensure that students are given sufficient time to adjust their study schedules and anticipate any potential shift in their course preparation.

Therefore, it is crucially important that every student regularly reviews the course schedule and requirements. This is to ensure that they are consistently informed and updated on any changes in line with the advancements of the class. So, each student is always expected to carefully monitor the course progression and stay abreast of any alterations in the syllabus, thus enhancing the overall learning experience.

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