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Criminal Law Syllabus

Criminal Law Syllabus

Criminal Law Course

Course Title


Course Code


Office Hours


Class Location


Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

This particular course has been designed to facilitate a comprehensive investigation into the specific composition and information material of Criminal Law. It is explicitly tailored for those students who either harbor intentions of actively practicing in the field of criminal law in the future or are intrigued by the prospect of acquiring a nuanced and intricate comprehension of how the criminal justice system functions.

2. Instructor Information

Contact Information: [YOUR EMAIL]


3. Learning Objectives

  • To provide students with a solid foundation in criminal law principles.

  • To understand and interpret case laws under criminal law.

  • To understand the role of a defense and prosecution in a criminal trial.

  • To develop critical analysis ability of dealing with legal codes and laws.

  • To create an understanding of different crime classifications and their respective punishments.

4. Course Schedule


Topics Covered



Introduction to Criminal Law

A brief essay on the importance of criminal law in society.


Understanding Penal Laws

Presentation on different penal laws and their applicability.


Case Law Studies

Analytical report on a selected case law.


Legal Defenses Analysis

Case study on legal defenses used in criminal law.


Prosecution Techniques

Analysis and presentation on prosecution tactics in a criminal trial.

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • Understanding Criminal Law - Joshua Dressler

  • Criminal Law Examples & Explanations - Richard G. Singer

  • Casebook on criminal law - Michael J. Allen, Ian Edwards & Simon Cooper

  • The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law - Markus Dirk Dubber & Tatjana Hörnle

  • Modern Criminal Law: Cases, Comments, Questions - Wayne Lafave

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Analytical essays that interpret case laws and legal issues.

  • Open-book tests that develop understanding of legal codes and their applications.

  • Classroom presentations to encourage interactive learning.

  • Case reviews that allow for detailed understanding of real-life court trials.

  • Final examination that evaluates overall understanding and application of the course content.

7. Course Policy

  • Consistent and punctual class attendance is expected.

  • Reading assignments are to be completed before each class.

  • No late submissions will be accepted for assignments/assessments.

  • All work submissions should adhere to academic honor polices.

  • Absence from assessments, unless for medical or personal emergencies, will result in a fail grade for that assessment.

8. Grading Policy

Grade Component


Class Participation




Open-Book Tests


Classroom Presentations


Final Examination



As a pupil in this course, you presently have in your hands a syllabus. This syllabus is purposely designed as an essential guide that you should follow for the successful navigation and understanding of the course content. It is important, though, that you keep in mind that, while this syllabus may seem firm and definitive, it is not irrevocably set in stone. There could arise certain circumstances which will necessitate a modification or change in the content or structure of the syllabus. Rest assured, though, that no such changes would be made haphazardly or recklessly without prior and adequate warning to you. Before any alterations are made, you will be given sufficient advance notice. This notice is aimed at ensuring that you have ample time to adjust your study plans to align with the changes, ensuring minimal disruption to your learning process.

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