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Drawing Syllabus

Drawing Syllabus

Drawing Course

Course Title


Course Code


Instructor Name




Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

This course is designed for students who are interested in learning the basic techniques and principles of drawing. The syllabus encompasses a wide range of skills including shading, perspective, and composition. As we progress through the course, students will explore different mediums and materials, enabling them to express their own unique style and creativity.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand and apply the fundamentals of drawing including line, shape, texture and color.

  • Develop the ability to observe and express this observation in sketch form.

  • Gain experience in working with a variety of drawing materials and techniques.

  • Build a unique portfolio showcasing progress and personal direction.

  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills through visual analysis of artwork.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Drawing

  • Overview of Drawing Fundamentals

  • Understanding the Importance of Line in Drawing

  • Practice exercises on drawing different types of lines

  • Introduction to Basic Shapes and their application

  • Drawing exercises focusing on shapes

  • Introduction to Texture and its role in drawing

  • Texture exploration exercises


Exploring Shape

  • Delving deeper into geometric and organic shapes

  • Drawing exercises to master different shapes

  • Understanding the interplay of shapes in composition

  • Incorporating shapes into simple drawings


Understanding Color

  • Introduction to the Color Wheel and color theory

  • Basic color mixing techniques

  • Color application exercises in drawing

  • Exploring the use of color in conveying mood and emotion

  • Recap of drawing fundamentals and their application

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain' by Betty Edwards

  • 'The Natural Way to Draw' by Kimon Nicolaïdes

  • Sketchbook (9” x 12”)

  • Set of drawing pencils (HB, 2B, 4B, 6B)

  • Eraser and sharpener

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Weekly drawing exercises (40%): Each week, students will be given drawing assignments related to the weekly topic.

  • Midterm project (20%): A more complex piece that showcases the techniques learned in the first half of the course.

  • Regular participation (10%): Active participation during classes and group critiques.

  • Portfolio Review (20%): A compilation of all drawings created during the duration of the course.

  • Final project (10%): A final piece that demonstrates students’ progress and mastery of the subject.

7. Course Policy

  • Attendance: It is crucial for students to attend all sessions as each class builds off the previous one, and the technical skills require practice.

  • Lateness: Students are expected to arrive on time. Habitual tardiness will impact the participation grade.

  • Missed Assignments: It is the student's responsibility to make up missed assignments. Please inform the instructor prior to any anticipated absences.

  • Classroom Etiquette: Respectful and constructive interactions in the classroom are expected at all times.

  • Plagiarism and Academic Honesty: All work submitted must be your original work.

8. Grading Policy



Weekly drawing exercises


Midterm project


Regular participation


Portfolio Review


Final project





We have taken all conceivable steps to guarantee the syllabus is accurate and effective in its delivery of the course content, including meticulous validations and numerous checks. However, it must be noted that occasional adjustments or amendments may be required due to unexpected situations or unforeseen events, such as updates to academic regulations or sudden developments. Should this occur, all changes will be swiftly communicated to students. It is our priority to keep students fully informed and updated to prevent any impact on their course progression.

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