Free Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Template



Free Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Template

Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

Mechanical Engineering Course

Course Title


Course Code


Class Location


Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

This course, entitled "Principles of Mechanical Engineering", provides a comprehensive exploration of core mechanical engineering concepts, tactics, and applications. As students, you will gain an understanding of mechanics, materials science, structural analysis, electricity, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, along with design and manufacturing.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]
Contact email: [YOUR EMAIL]
Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand and apply fundamental concepts of mechanics and material science.

  • Develop problem-solving abilities related to mechanical engineering.

  • Gain practical experience in designing and manufacturing engineering solutions.

  • Understand ethical issues and professional responsibilities in mechanical engineering.

  • Develop team working and project management skills in an engineering context.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

Lecture, Group Discussion

5. Required Reading and Materials

  1. "Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics"

  2. "Mechanics of Materials"

  3. "Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach"

  4. "Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics"

  5. "Machine Design: An Integrated Approach"

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Weekly homework assignments that reinforce lecture concepts.

  • Two midterm exams to check understanding of course material.

  • Group projects that provide practical experience in mechanical design.

  • Final exam covering all course materials.

  • Class participation, includes participation in group discussions and effort in group projects.

7. Course Policy

  • All assignments must be submitted by the due date. Late submissions will incur a penalty.

  • Regular course attendance is essential for academic success.

  • All students are expected to participate actively in group discussions and projects.

  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade for the course.

  • In the case of valid reasons for missing any exam, students must provide a written excuse within a week of the exam date.

8. Grading Policy

Grades are allotted as follows: Assignments - 25%, Midterms - 25%, Final Exam - 30%, Class Participation / Attendance - 10%, Group Projects - 10%.

9. Additional Resources

  • Supplemental readings and online resources will be provided throughout the course to further explore specific topics and applications in mechanical engineering.

  • Access to engineering software tools such as MATLAB, SolidWorks, and ANSYS will be available for students to enhance their understanding and skills in computational analysis and design.

10. Academic Integrity

Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Plagiarism, cheating, or any other form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in severe penalties, including possible failure of the course and disciplinary action.


The syllabus for this class, as currently presented, is not fixed or immovable in its stipulations. Instead, it is open to alterations and modifications based upon the judgment of the overseeing professor. The reason for this flexibility is to potentially allow for alterations that would better align with, and promote, the educational objectives that have been set for this course. If the professor decides to implement any changes or modifications to the existing syllabus, the students will be alerted to these adjustments. This will either be done in the course of a scheduled class when everyone is present, or through an announcement which would be sent directly to each student's email.

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