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Human Genetics Syllabus

Human Genetics Syllabus

Human Genetics Course

Course Title


Course Code


Instructor Name




Office Hours


1. Course Description

This course presents a comprehensive overview of the principles of human genetics, including trait inheritance, genetic mutation, genomics, and human evolution. Designed to enhance student’s knowledge of the role genes play in human health and disease, the course promotes understanding of how genetic research impacts medical and scientific developments.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

Contact Info: [YOUR EMAIL]

Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the basic principles of genetics and the role of genes in the development of human traits and diseases.

  2. Analyze the implications of genetic mutations, and the prospects of gene therapy and genomic medicine.

  3. Explore the ethical, legal, and social implications of human genetic research.

  4. Demonstrate the use of genetic techniques and technologies in research and diagnostic settings.

  5. Explain the role of genetic diversity in human evolution and adaptation.

4. Course Schedule



Reading Assignment


Introduction to Human Genetics

Chapters 1-2


Genetic Mutation and Diseases

Chapters 3-4


Genetic Testing and Techniques

Chapters 5-6


Human Evolution and Genetics

Chapters 7-8


Genetic Research Ethics

Chapter 9

5. Required Readings and Materials

  1. Textbook: "Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications" by Ricki Lewis.

  2. "Genes IX" by Benjamin Lewin

  3. "The Gene: An Intimate History" by Siddhartha Mukherjee.

  4. "The Code of Codes: Scientific and Social Issues in the Human Genome Project"

  5. Scientific journal papers and articles (to be provided).

6. Assignments and Assessments

  1. Weekly Reading assignments from textbook and other materials

  2. Bi-weekly quizzes on lecture and reading materials

  3. Mid-term examination covering the first half of the course content

  4. Final examination covering all course materials

  5. Group research project analyzing a specific topic pertaining to human genetics

7. Course Policies

  1. Attendance to all classes is mandatory, unless an absence is excused for a valid reason.

  2. All assignments and assessments must be completed and submitted by the due dates. Late submissions will not be accepted unless approved by the instructor based on a valid reason.

  3. Academic misconduct, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated. Violations may lead to disciplinary actions as per the policy of [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

  4. Electronic devices are allowed in class for note taking and academic purposes only.

  5. Students are expected to participate actively in class and to respect the opinions of others.

8. Grading Policy

Grades will be calculated based on the following components:





Weekly Assignments


Bi-weekly Quizzes


Mid-term Examination


Final Examination


9. Disclaimer

The existing syllabus that has been distributed isn't definitive and is susceptible to undergo changes if required. In the event of such changes, information about them will be communicated during class sessions. In addition to this, the updated version of the syllabus reflecting these changes will also be made available on the online platform associated with this course.

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