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Real Estate Project Management Form

Real Estate Project Management Form

We value the opportunity to collaborate with you on this venture and are committed to delivering results that meet your expectations while adhering to timelines and budgets. Please take the time to fill out this form accurately, providing detailed information wherever possible.

Project Details

Project Name:

Project Address:

Project Type:

Project Description:

Client Information

Client Name:

Client Company:

Client Contact Number:

Client Email:

Project Team

Project Manager:



Interior Designer:

Project Timeline

Start Date:

Expected Completion Date:


Total Project Budget:                                                                                                     

Allocated Budget for Each Phase:                                                                                



Phase 1


Phase 2


Phase 3


Phase 4


Project Scope

Scope of Work

  • Design Development

  • Construction Documents

  • Permitting

  • Construction Management

  • Interior Design

  • Other (please specify):                                                                                            

Key Deliverables

Identified Risks

  • Budget overruns

  • Delays in permits

  • Material shortages

  • Changes in regulatory requirements

  • Other (please specify):                                                                                            

Communication Channels

  • Weekly Meetings

  • Email Updates

  • Phone Calls

  • Project Management Software

  • Other (please specify):                                                                                            


Client Approval Required for:

  • Design Concept

  • Budget Allocation

  • Change Orders

  • Final Project Acceptance

Additional Notes

Additional Comments or Special Instructions:

Submit By:


[Month Day, Year]

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