Free Real Estate Connecticut Real Estate Disclosure Form Template


Free Real Estate Connecticut Real Estate Disclosure Form Template

Real Estate Connecticut
Real Estate Disclosure Form

This Disclosure Form is provided to ensure transparency and to inform potential buyers about the condition and history of the property located in Connecticut. The information provided herein reflects the current state of the property as known by [Your Company Name], the Sellers.

Property Information


Type of Property

Year Built


Length of Ownership

Water Supply

Water Supply Source

  • Public

  • Private Well

  • Other

Has the water supply been tested?

  • Yes

  • No

If Yes, provide the date of the last test and summarize the results:

Sewage System

Disposal Type

  • Public Sewer

  • Septic Tank

  • Other


Structural Components

  1. Describe the foundation condition:

  1. Describe the age of roof and condition:

  1. Describe history of water intrusion, if applicable:

Plumbing, Heating, and Electrical

  1. Condition and any known problems of plumbing system:

  1. Type, age, and condition of heating system:

  1. Capacity (amps) and any known issues of electrical system:

Additional Disclosures

  1. Has the property been used for any non-residential purposes?

  • Yes, specify what purpose:                               

  • No

  1. Are there any known legal issues, easements, or zoning violations?

  • Yes

  • No

If Yes, please explain:

Seller’s Certification

We certify that the information provided in this Disclosure Form is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge as of the date below. We understand that this information is crucial for the buyer's decision-making process and agree to update this disclosure should any significant changes occur before the sale.



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