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Real Estate Direct Deposit Authorization Form

Real Estate Direct Deposit Authorization Form

To expedite the processing of your financial transactions within our real estate operations, kindly complete this Direct Deposit Authorization Form. Ensure all provided information is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any delays or issues with your transactions. Should you require assistance, please contact our support team at [Your Company Email].

1. Account Holder Information

This section collects essential details about the account holder to accurately identify and facilitate the direct deposit transactions. Providing complete and accurate information ensures that we can effectively process your payments without any delays. Please fill out your personal and banking details as they appear on your bank records.

Account Holder Name

[Your Name]

Account Type

  • Checking

  • Savings

Bank Name

Bank Address

Account Number

Routing Number

Phone Number

Email Address

2. Authorization Agreement

By completing this section, you authorize [Your Company Name] to deposit any amounts owed to you directly into the bank account specified above. This authorization will remain in effect until you provide written notice to cancel it. It's crucial to review and understand the terms of this agreement for your financial security and convenience.

Authorization Statement

I hereby authorize [Your Company Name] to directly deposit any owed amounts into the account listed above.

Effective Date


Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

2. Change or Cancellation

Should you need to change your bank account information or cancel this direct deposit authorization, this section provides the required steps to do so. Timely notification is crucial to ensure that there are no disruptions to your direct deposit arrangements. Please follow the guidelines below for any changes or cancellations.

Change of Information

  • Check here if updating bank details


  • Check here to cancel direct deposit

New Account Number (If applicable)

New Bank Routing Number (If applicable)

Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

Please review all sections carefully before submitting this form. By providing your authorization, you agree to the terms and conditions as described. For any inquiries or assistance, contact [Your Company Name] at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email].

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