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Co-Agent Power of Attorney

Co-Agent Power of Attorney

Identification of Parties

This Co-Agent Power of Attorney ("POA") is made between [Your Name], referred to as the "Principal," and [Agent's Name], referred to as the "Agent," and [Co-Agent's Name], collectively referred to as the "Successor Agent(s)."

Scope Authority

The Principal hereby authorizes the Original Agent and Successor Agents to act jointly in all matters about the management and administration of the Principal's affairs, assets, and interests, as outlined herein.

Effective Date and Duration

This POA shall become effective immediately upon execution and shall remain in effect until revoked by the Principal or upon the occurrence of [specific event triggering termination].

Revocation Clause

The Principal reserves the right to revoke this POA at any time by providing written notice to both the Original Agent, Successor Agents, and any relevant third parties who may have been relying on its authority.

Specific Powers

The Original Agent and Successor Agents are granted the authority to undertake the following actions on behalf of the Principal:

  1. Conducting banking transactions

  2. Signing legal documents and contracts

  3. Managing real estate properties

  4. Making healthcare decisions (if applicable)

  5. Filing tax returns

  6. Representing the Principal in legal proceedings

Incapacity Provisions

In the event of the Principal's incapacity, the authority of the Original Agent and Successor Agents shall continue unabated, and they shall act jointly by the terms of this POA.

Governing Law

This POA shall be governed by and construed following the laws of [State/Country].

Miscellaneous Provisions

Any amendments to this POA must be made in writing and duly executed by both the Principal, Original Agent, and Successor Agents. This POA is irrevocable insofar as third parties rely on its authority in good faith.

Agent’s Acceptance

I, [Agent's Name], hereby accept the responsibilities conferred upon me by this Co-Agent Power of Attorney and agree to act in the best interests of the Principal to the best of my abilities.

[Agent's Name] (Attorney-in-fact)

[Date Signed]

I, [Co-Agent's Name], hereby accept the responsibilities conferred upon me/us by this Co-Agent Power of Attorney and agree to act in the best interests of the Principal to the best of my/our abilities.

[Co-Agent's Name] (Co-Agent's)

[Date Signed]


I, [Witness's Name], affirm that I witnessed the signing of this Co-Agent Power of Attorney by the Principal, who appeared to be of sound mind and voluntarily executed the same in my presence on [Date].

Witness :

[Witness 1 full name]


On this [Date], before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that [he/she/they] executed the same as [his/her/their] free and voluntary act and deed.

Witness my hand and official seal.

[Notary Public's Name]

My Commission Expires:           

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