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Special Limited Power of Attorney

Special Limited Power of Attorney

This Power of Attorney ("Agreement") made as of [Date] ("Effective Date"), is by and between [YOUR NAME] residing at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], referred to as the "Principal", and [AGENT NAME], referred to as the "Agent".

I. Introduction

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], do hereby grant a Special Limited Power of Attorney to [Agent's Name], residing at [Agent's Address], for the sole purpose of handling designated real estate transactions as delineated herein.

II. Property Description

The authority herein granted pertains exclusively to the real estate property located at [Property Address], specifically described as a charming two-story suburban home with a spacious backyard and modern amenities.

III. Authorized Actions

The agent is hereby empowered to perform the following actions about the aforementioned property:

  • Negotiate and execute agreements for the sale, purchase, or lease of the property.

  • Execute and deliver all requisite documents, including contracts, deeds, leases, and closing documents, on my behalf.

  • Receive and disburse funds associated with the property transactions, encompassing earnest money deposits, purchase proceeds, or rental payments.

  • Represent me in all meetings, negotiations, or discussions concerning property transactions.

IV. Duration of Authority

This Special Limited Power of Attorney shall take effect from [Effective Date] and shall endure until [Date] unless earlier revoked by written notice from me.

V. Scope of Authority

The authority granted to the agent herein is expressly confined to matters pertaining solely to the specified real estate transactions. This power of attorney does not extend to any other capacity or undertaking beyond the explicit terms stated herein.

VI. Revocation

I reserve the prerogative to revoke this Special Limited Power of Attorney at any juncture by furnishing written notice to the agent. Any actions executed by the agent in good faith before the receipt of such revocation shall remain valid and binding.

VII. Governing Law

This Special Limited Power of Attorney shall be subject to the laws of [State].

In testimony whereof, I have subscribed my hand and seal to this instrument on this [Date].

VIII. Remedies and Penalties

Any violation or misuse of this Power of Attorney by the agent shall result in the termination of their authority and may subject them to legal remedies and penalties as provided by law.

Agreed and signed by [YOUR NAME], the Principal.






We, the undersigned witnesses, hereby acknowledge that the above-named Principal has signed this Power of Attorney in our presence on the date stated above.

Witness 1:

[Witness 1 full name]


Witness 2:

[Witness 2 full name]




On this            day of               in the year                , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal.

[Notary Public's Name]

My Commission Expires:           

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