New Zealand Honeymoon Itinerary

New Zealand Honeymoon Itinerary

Welcome to a week full of excitement, romance, relaxation, and memorable experiences. This itinerary is designed for honeymooners who love both adventure and experiencing local culture, wine, and cuisine. Throughout your 7 days in New Zealand, you'll enjoy everything from wine tastings in Marlborough to adrenaline-pumping bungee jumping in Queenstown, alongside immersive cultural experiences, scenic hikes, spa retreats and candlelit dinners. Set off on your journey of a lifetime!

Day 1: Arrival in Auckland

Welcome to New Zealand! Settle in your hotel and rest for a while followed by exploring the vibrant city of Auckland. In the evening, enjoy a romantic dinner cruise around Auckland Harbor at sunset.

Day 1: Arrival in Auckland

12:00 PM - Check-in at Auckland Hotel

04:00 PM - Stroll through Auckland's Waterfront

07:00 PM - Sunset Dinner Cruise

Day 2: Exploring Auckland

Start your day with a trip to the top of Sky Tower for panoramic views of the city. In the afternoon, enjoy a drive along the scenic Tamaki Drive for breathtaking coastal vistas.

Day 2: Exploring Auckland

09:00 AM - Sky Tower Visit for Panoramic Views

01:00 PM - Lunch at a Local Auckland Restaurant

04:00 PM - Scenic Drive on Tamaki Drive

Day 3: Fly to Marlborough

Board your flight to Marlborough – New Zealand’s largest wine producing region, indulge in some of New Zealand’s finest wines at a private wine tasting. A romantic candlelit dinner at a vineyard concludes your day.

Day 3: Fly to Marlborough

09:00 AM - Flight to Marlborough, Wine Region

01:00 PM - Private Wine Tasting Experience

07:00 PM - Candlelit Dinner at a Vineyard

Day 4: Marlborough to Abel Tasman National Park

Pack your bags for a scenic drive to Abel Tasman National Park. Spend your day hiking along the coastal tracks and sightseeing the beautiful beaches and forests. Conclude your day with a soak in a hot tub overlooking the park.

Day 4: Marlborough to Abel Tasman National Park

08:00 AM - Scenic Drive to Abel Tasman National Park

10:00 AM - Coastal Hike and Beach Exploration

03:00 PM - Relaxing Hot Tub Soak with Park Views

Day 5: Abel Tasman to Nelson

Visit Nelson, known for its vibrant arts and crafts scene. Browse local shops for unique souvenirs and visit the Word of Wearable Art Museum (WOW). End your day at the Nelson spa retreat with a relaxing couple’s massage

Day 5: Abel Tasman to Nelson

09:00 AM - Travel to Nelson, Arts and Crafts Hub

11:00 AM - Visit World of Wearable Art Museum (WOW)

03:00 PM - Couple's Massage at Nelson Spa Retreat

Day 6: Fly to Queenstown

It’s time for some adventure! Fly to Queenstown and gear up for an exhilarating bungee jump overlooking the stunning landscapes of New Zealand. End your day with a romantic dinner with stunning views of Lake Wakatipu.

Day 6: Fly to Queenstown

09:00 AM - Flight to Adventure Capital, Queenstown

01:00 PM - Bungee Jumping Adventure with Scenic Views

07:00 PM - Romantic Dinner Overlooking Lake Wakatipu

Day 7: Departure

Spend your morning relaxing or exploring Queenstown at your leisure. In the afternoon you'll bid farewell to New Zealand and journey home, taking with you a lifetime of beautiful memories.

Day 7: Departure from Queenstown

09:00 AM - Leisure Morning in Queenstown

01:00 PM - Farewell to New Zealand

04:00 PM - Departure for Home


English is widely spoken throughout New Zealand, making communication easy for travelers. Additionally, you'll hear Maori, the indigenous language, in cultural contexts.


New Zealand uses the New Zealand Dollar (NZD), and you'll find ATMs widely available in cities and towns for easy access to cash.


Getting around is convenient with options like rental cars, domestic flights for longer distances, and intercity buses. In cities, taxis and ride-sharing services are readily accessible.

Essential Items:

Ensure you pack essentials like comfortable walking shoes for hikes, swimwear for hot tubs, a camera for stunning views, and adaptable clothing for varying weather.

This itinerary was curated by [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. For inquiries or modifications, please contact [YOUR EMAIL] or visit [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE]. Enjoy your honeymoon and let the romantic adventure unfold in New Zealand.

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