Florida Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney

Florida Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney

I. Appointment of Attorney

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], hereby establish this Florida Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney. I appoint [Agent's Name], residing at [Agent's Address], as my attorney-in-fact to act on my behalf in all matters related to the registration, titling, and transfer of ownership of my motor vehicle.

II. Description of Motor Vehicle

The motor vehicle subject to this Power of Attorney is described as follows:

  • Make: Toyota

  • Model: Camry

  • Year: 2059

  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): 1ABC23DEF456GHI78

III. Effective Date and Duration

The Power of Attorney that is being referred to in this sentence is set to go into effect promptly and without delay. It will continue to maintain its validity and stay in effect until I, the issuer of this Power of Attorney, choose to revoke it. However, it is important to note that such a revocation would need to be done in a written format, evidencing my explicit intention to rescind the authority given by this Power of Attorney.

IV. Powers Granted

I grant permission for my power of attorney to:

  1. Signing Documents

    • Authorize the attorney-in-fact to sign all necessary documents required for the transfer of ownership of the specified motor vehicle.

  2. Executing Applications and Affidavits

    • Empower the attorney-in-fact to execute any applications, affidavits, or other pertinent documents mandated by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles or any other relevant authority.

  3. Representation in Registration Matters

    • Grant the authority to represent the principal in all matters about the registration, titling, and transfer of ownership of the motor vehicle.

  4. Handling Licensing Procedures

    • Allow the attorney-in-fact to handle all licensing procedures related to the motor vehicle, including but not limited to, obtaining or renewing registration, tags, or licenses.

  5. Managing Financial Transactions

    • Enable the attorney-in-fact to manage financial transactions associated with the motor vehicle, such as payment of taxes, fees, or other financial obligations.

V. Ratification

In the light of these circumstances, I, with all my understanding and deliberate intent, express my approval, ratify, and affirm everything, without exception, that my appointed attorney-in-fact, within the legally accepted boundaries and confines, shall undertake, conduct, implement or cause to be accomplished through the authority bestowed upon them by this Power of Attorney.

I, [Your Name], hereby affix my signature to this Florida Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney on this [Date].






We, the undersigned witnesses, do hereby affirm that on [Date], we witnessed the signing of this Power of Attorney by [Your Name].

[Witness 1 Name]


[Witness 2 Name]



State of [STATE], County of [COUNTY].

On [DATE], before me, [NOTARY NAME], a Notary Public in and for the said state, personally appeared [YOUR NAME], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

[Notary Public's Name]

My Commission Expires:            

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