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Colorado Statutory Power of Attorney

Colorado Statutory Power of Attorney

This Power of Attorney is created to authorize the Agent to act on behalf of the Principal in financial matters, including but not limited to paying bills, managing investments, and handling banking transactions.

I. Appointment of Agent

I, [Your Name], hereby appoint [Agent's Name] as my Agent to act on my behalf in financial matters as described in this Power of Attorney. The Agent shall have full authority to exercise all powers granted herein on my behalf, and their actions shall be binding upon me to the same extent as if I had performed them myself.

II. Roles and Responsibilities Transferred to the Agent

  1. Paying Bills: The Agent is authorized to pay bills and expenses on behalf of the Principal, including but not limited to utility bills, insurance premiums, and mortgage payments. The Agent shall ensure timely payments are made under the Principal's instructions or best interests.

  2. Managing Investments: The Agent is granted the authority to manage, control, and make decisions regarding the Principal's investments, including buying, selling, and exchanging securities, as well as managing investment accounts and portfolios.

  3. Handling Banking Transactions: The Agent is empowered to conduct banking transactions on behalf of the Principal, including but not limited to depositing and withdrawing funds, writing checks, transferring funds between accounts, and accessing safe deposit boxes.

  4. Dealing with Financial Institutions: The Agent has the authority to communicate with banks, financial institutions, and other relevant entities on behalf of the Principal, including opening and closing accounts, obtaining financial information, and executing documents necessary for financial transactions.

  5. Managing Real Estate Finances: The Agent may manage financial matters related to real estate owned by the Principal, including collecting rents, making mortgage payments, and handling property taxes and insurance premiums.

III. Effectivity and Termination

This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately upon execution and shall remain in effect until terminated by the Principal or by operation of law. The Principal reserves the right to revoke or amend this Power of Attorney at any time by providing written notice to the Agent and any relevant third parties.

IV. Governing Law

This Power of Attorney shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Colorado.

V. Signature Section

In witness whereof, the undersigned Principal hereby executes this Power of Attorney on [Date].

Agreed and signed by [Your Name], the Principal.




Witness Acknowledgement

We, the undersigned witnesses, certify that the Principal appeared before us, declared this document to be their Power of Attorney, and signed it in our presence.

Witness 1:



Witness 2:



Notary Acknowledgement

State of Colorado

County of [County]

On this          day of        , 20, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me (or proved to me based on satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within the instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacity and that by their signature on the instrument, the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument.


My Commission Expires:                      

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