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Alabama Power of Attorney


Table of Contents

I. Principal Details

II. Appointment of Agent

III. Powers of the Agent

IV. Term

V. Signatures

VI. Witness

VII. Notary Acknowledgement

I. Principal Details

I, [Your Name], born on [Your Date of Birth], a citizen of [Your Nationality], and resident of [Your Company Address] in [City, Alabama], do hereby declare that I am of sound mind and competent to execute this Power of Attorney.

I understand that by granting the powers specified hereunder to my chosen agent, [Agent's Full Name], I am doing so voluntarily and of my own free will.

II. Appointment of Agent

I appoint [Agent's Full Name], born on [Agent's Date of Birth], a citizen of [Agent's Nationality], residing at [Agent's Complete Address], state of Alabama, as my Attorney-in-Fact/Agent. This appointment is made to act in my name, place, and stead, and for my own use and benefit.

III. Powers of the Agent

  • Financial Management: My agent is authorized to manage, handle, and make decisions regarding all my financial affairs, including but not limited to banking transactions, investments, and the buying or selling of assets.

  • Real Estate Transactions: My agent has the authority to handle all matters related to my real estate properties, including buying, selling, leasing, or managing such properties.

  • Legal Matters: My agent is empowered to represent me in legal matters, including initiating or defending lawsuits, settling claims, and signing legal documents on my behalf.

  • Business Operations: My agent can manage and conduct all affairs related to any business or professional activities I may have, including entering into contracts, hiring employees, and making financial decisions.

  • Healthcare Decisions: My agent is authorized to make healthcare decisions for me, including consenting to or refusing medical treatment, in accordance with applicable laws.

  • Governmental Benefits: My agent can apply for, collect, and manage any governmental benefits or entitlements that I may be eligible for.

  • Insurance Matters: My agent can handle all matters related to my insurance policies, including applying for new policies, making changes to existing policies, and filing claims.

  • Personal Affairs: My agent can manage my personal affairs, including but not limited to accessing and managing my digital assets, handling my mail, and making travel arrangements on my behalf.

  • General Authority: My agent has the authority to take any other actions necessary or advisable to carry out the purposes of this Power of Attorney, as fully as I might or could do if personally present.

IV. Term

This Power of Attorney shall become effective on the [Start date] and will continue until [End date], unless it is revoked by me in writing prior to that date. I reserve the right to extend the term of this Power of Attorney if necessary.

V. Signatures

[Your Full Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

[Agent's Full Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

VI. Witness

I, the undersigned witness, certify that [Your Name] and [Agent's Full Name] have signed this Power of Attorney in my presence, and that they appear to be of sound mind and under no duress, fraud, or undue influence.

[Witness's Full Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

VII. Notary Acknowledgement


On this [Date] day of [Month, Year], before me, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared [Your Name] and [Agent's Full Name], known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

[Notary's Full Name]

My Commission Expires: [Expiration Date]

Date: [Date Signed]

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