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Military Special Power of Attorney

Military Special Power of Attorney

I, [Your Name], being of sound mind and body, and currently serving in the [Your Company Name], do hereby execute this Military Special Power of Attorney on this [Insert Date].

I. Appointment of Agent

I hereby appoint [Agent's Name], whose address is [Agent's Address], as my true and lawful attorney-in-fact (hereinafter referred to as "Agent") to act on my behalf in all matters about my military service, as detailed herein.

II. Purpose

This Power of Attorney is established to address situations wherein I may be unavailable or unable to handle my personal affairs due to deployment, training exercises, or other military duties. The purpose of this document is to designate the Agent as a trusted representative empowered to make decisions and take actions on my behalf in specific matters related to my military service.

III. Powers Granted to Agent

I grant my Agent the following powers and authorities, to be exercised in my best interests:

  • Financial Management: The authority to manage my finances, including but not limited to banking transactions, payment of bills, management of investments, and filing of taxes.

  • Access to Military Records: The authority to access, obtain, and manage any military records, documents, or information relevant to my service, including medical records and personnel files.

  • Legal Decisions: The authority to make legal decisions and enter into contracts or agreements on my behalf concerning my military benefits, allowances, entitlements, and other related matters.

  • Administrative Tasks: The authority to handle administrative tasks related to my military service, including housing arrangements, such as leasing, renting, or selling property owned by me, and representing me in legal proceedings, including administrative hearings and appeals.

IV. Duration and Revocation

This Military Special Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until [Insert End Date] or unless sooner revoked by me in writing.

Acknowledgment of Principal

This Military Special Power of Attorney shall be effective immediately upon my signature and shall remain valid until my explicit and written revocation.



Acceptance of Agent

I, [AGENT NAME], acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms and responsibilities outlined in this Military Special Power of Attorney document. I accept the appointment as Agent and agree to act by the instructions and limitations provided herein.



We, the undersigned witnesses, hereby acknowledge that the above-named Principal has signed this Military Special Power of Attorney in our presence on the date stated above.

Witness 1:

[Witness 1 full name]

Witness 2:

[Witness 2 full name]


On this [Insert Date], before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal.

[Notary Public Name]

My Commission Expires: [Insert Date]

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