Free Immediate Power of Attorney Template



Free Immediate Power of Attorney Template

Immediate Power of Attorney

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Name], hereby grant immediate power of attorney to [Agent's Name], residing at [Agent's Address], to act on my behalf in the following capacities and with the following responsibilities:

I. Roles/Responsibilities Transferred to the Agent

  1. Financial Management: The Agent is authorized to manage all aspects of my financial affairs, including but not limited to banking transactions, bill payments, investment decisions, and tax matters. This includes accessing my bank accounts, signing checks, and making withdrawals or deposits as necessary.

  2. Healthcare Decisions: The Agent is authorized to make healthcare decisions on my behalf, including consenting to medical treatments, surgeries, and procedures. This authority extends to accessing my medical records and communicating with healthcare providers.

  3. Property Management: The Agent is authorized to manage my real and personal property, including buying, selling, leasing, or otherwise disposing of property as deemed necessary. This includes signing documents related to the transfer or management of property.

  4. Legal Matters: The Agent is authorized to initiate or defend legal actions on my behalf, including hiring legal representation, settling disputes, and signing legal documents. This authority extends to all legal matters, including contracts, agreements, and litigation.

  5. Personal Affairs: The Agent is authorized to handle any other personal affairs or responsibilities that may arise, including accessing my digital accounts, managing insurance policies, and representing me in any other matters requiring immediate attention.

II. Declaration of Intent

The Principal does hereby appoint the Agent as his or her attorney-in-fact (“Agent”) to act on the Principal's behalf in any lawful way concerning the following initialed subjects:

Real Estate Transactions: The Agent is authorized to buy, sell, lease, or otherwise manage real estate properties on behalf of the Principal, including signing contracts, deeds, and other related documents.

Business Operations: The Agent is authorized to manage the Principal's business interests, including entering into contracts, conducting negotiations, and making decisions related to business operations.

Retirement Accounts: The Agent is authorized to manage the Principal's retirement accounts, including making contributions, withdrawals, and investment decisions.

Estate Planning: The Agent is authorized to make decisions related to the Principal's estate planning, including creating or amending wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents.

Government Benefits: The Agent is authorized to apply for, manage, or make decisions regarding government benefits or entitlements on behalf of the Principal.

III. Effective Date

This Power of Attorney will start on [DATE]

IV. Termination

This Power of Attorney will continue until the Principal revokes it or it is terminated by the Principal’s death.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this on [DATE]

[YOUR NAME][Principal]


[Agent's Name]


Witness Acknowledgement

We, the undersigned witnesses, hereby acknowledge that the above-named Principal has signed this Power of Attorney in our presence on the date stated above.

[Witness Name][Witness 1]


[Witness Name][Witness 2]


Notary Acknowledgement

On this            day of               in the year                , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal.

[Notary Public Name]


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