Free Joint Bank Account Power of Attorney Template



Free Joint Bank Account Power of Attorney Template

Joint Bank Account Power of Attorney

I, [Name of Account Holder 1], residing at [Address of Account Holder 1], and I, [Name of Account Holder 2], residing at [Address of Account Holder 2], hereby appoint [Agent's Name], residing at [Agent's Address], as our attorney-in-fact (hereinafter referred to as "Agent") to manage our joint bank account, Bank of America, account number 1234-5678-9012-3456, on our behalf. The Agent shall have the authority to undertake the following roles and responsibilities:

I. Financial Transactions

The agent, by the conferred rights, is fully legitimized to perform a range of financial transactions related to the combined banking account. The array of actions the agent is allowed to undertake ranges from but is not limited to, making deposits into the shared account, executing withdrawals of funds, orchestrating transfers between different accounts, and delivering payments that cover various bills and expenses. The role is so pervasive that the agent can potentially handle all matters of finance associated with this joint account.

II. Account Management

The Agent shall be responsible for the management of the joint bank account. This management duty involves a range of activities such as regularly monitoring all account activity to ensure all transactions are correctly recorded and that there are no discrepancies. The Agent shall also be in charge of reconciling all bank statements to verify that the physical bank records coincide with the joint account's records. Maintenance of accurate records of all transactions that have occurred within the joint account also falls under the Agent's duties. This includes keeping track of all financial exchanges, deposits, and withdrawals to allow for transparency and easy traceability of all joint account activities.

III. Communication with the Bank

The Agent has been granted the authority to establish communication with the bank about all matters that are connected to the joint bank account. This authorization includes, but not is limited to, making inquiries, raising disputes, and engaging in discussions regarding changes to the account details. In addition to this, the agent holds the power to discuss modifications in the services related to the account.

IV. Recordkeeping

The designated Agent is required to keep an in-depth record of all the financial transactions that are carried out through the joint bank account. These records will provide a clear picture of all the monetary activities conducted through the said bank account. Moreover, periodically or when required, these records will be consolidated and turned into comprehensive reports. These reports will then be furnished to the account holders. In case of any request from the account holders, these reports will be shared accordingly for a clear and transparent understanding of the financial dealings conducted through the joint bank account.

V. Fiduciary Duties

The Agent shall exercise the powers granted herein with the utmost care, diligence, and good faith, always acting in the best interests of the account holders and by applicable laws and regulations.

VI. Duration and Revocation

This Joint Bank Account Power of Attorney shall remain in effect until revoked by both account holders in writing or upon the death of either account holder. The Agent shall not be liable for any actions taken in good faith under this power of attorney.


[Name of Account Holder 1]

[Name of Account Holder 2]





We, the undersigned witnesses, certify that the Account Holders, [Name of Account Holder 1] and [Name of Account Holder 2], signed this Joint Bank Account Power of Attorney in our presence and that to the best of our knowledge, they are of sound mind and under no duress to execute this document.

Witness 1:



Witness 2:





On this day of               in the year                , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared [Name of Account Holder 1] and [Name of Account Holder 2], known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal.


My Commission Expires:           

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