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Real Estate Prospective Buyer Information Form

Real Estate Prospective Buyer Information Form

Please fill out the following information to help us assist you better in finding your dream property at [Your Company Name].

Personal Information

Buyer Name:

Buyer Email:

Buyer Number:

Buyer Address:

Property Preferences

Please indicate your preferences regarding the type of property you are seeking.

  • Single Family Home

  • Condominium

  • Townhouse

  • Apartment

  • Land

  • Other (please specify):                               

Property Details



Number of Bedrooms:

Number of Bathrooms:

Square Footage Range:

Preferred Neighborhoods:

Financial Information



Budget Range:

Financing Status:

Pre-approval Obtained:

  • Yes

  • No

Mortgage Broker/Lender:

Down Payment Amount:


Please use the space below to provide any additional details or specific requirements you may have regarding your property search.

Thank you for providing this information. We will use it to tailor our property search to meet your needs. One of our agents will be in touch with you shortly.

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