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Real Estate Valuation Information Form

Real Estate Valuation Information Form

Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] for your real estate valuation needs. To ensure the accuracy and efficiency of our valuation process, we kindly request that you complete the following form with as much detail as possible. Your cooperation in providing comprehensive information about the property will enable us to deliver a thorough and tailored valuation report.

Personal Information

Full Name:

Email Address:

Phone Number:

Address of Property:

Mailing Address (if different from property address):

Contact Person (if different from property owner)

Full Name:

Email Address:

Phone Number:

  1. Property Size (in square feet or acres):


  2. Property Description (include any relevant details such as amenities, special features, etc.):


  3. Current Use of Property:


Purpose of Valuation

  • Sale

  • Purchase

  • Refinance

  • Insurance

  • Legal Proceedings

  • Other (please specify):                                                            

Additional Comments or Requirements:


Valuation Information

A. Preferred Valuation Method

  • Sales Comparison Approach

  • Income Capitalization Approach

  • Cost Approach

  • Other (please specify):                                                            

B. Any Specific Comparable Properties or Criteria to Consider:


C. Desired Valuation Report Format

  • Formal Written Report

  • Brief Summary Report

  • Verbal Assessment

  • Other (please specify):                                                            

D. Timeline for Completion:

Preferred Date:                                                             

Agreement and Submission

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I authorize [Your Company Name] to conduct a valuation of the property described above.



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