Washington Affidavit Of Paternity

Washington Affidavit for Paternity



This Washington Affidavit of Paternity certifies the voluntary acknowledgment of paternity by the undersigned father, whose detailed information is provided herein in connection with the child and mother.

Statement of Facts:

  1. The child, whose full name is [Child’s Name], was born on [DOB] in [City, County, State].

  2. The mother of the child is [Mother’s Name], born on [DOB], currently residing at [Mother’s Address].

  3. I, [YOUR NAME], born on [DOB], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am the biological and legal father of the aforementioned child.

  4. I acknowledge my paternity to the child mentioned, understanding fully the legal implications, responsibilities, and rights, including child support obligations, custody, and visitation rights, that arise from signing this affidavit.


I acknowledge that this Affidavit of Paternity is being signed voluntarily and without duress or undue influence. I understand the legal implications of this affidavit, including my responsibility to support my child financially and my right to seek custody or visitation.

I understand that this affidavit may be used in conjunction with other legal proceedings to determine child support obligations, custody arrangements, and visitation rights. I commit to fulfilling my responsibilities in accordance with Washington state laws and any legal agreements or court orders that may arise from this acknowledgment of paternity.




[Mother's Signature ]


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