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Chinese Power of Attorney


I, [YOUR NAME] with an address of [YOUR ADDRESS], being of sound mind and legal age, do hereby appoint [AGENT'S NAME], with the address [AGENT'S ADDRESS], as my Attorney-in-fact (“My Agent”) to act on my behalf in my interests and benefit as described below in the People's Republic of China.

I. Grant of General Authority

I grant my Agent general authority to act for me concerning the following subjects as defined in the People's Republic of China law:

  1. Financial Matters: Such as managing bank accounts, handling investments, purchasing or selling real estate, and paying bills or taxes.

  2. Legal Affairs: Including representing me in legal proceedings, signing contracts or legal documents, and obtaining legal advice as needed.

  3. Business Transactions: Empower my Agent to manage business interests, negotiate contracts, and make decisions regarding business operations.

  4. Healthcare Decisions: Allowing my Agent to make medical treatment decisions and access relevant healthcare information.

  5. Personal Affairs: Including managing personal property, handling insurance matters, and organizing personal documents.

II. Special Instructions

Special instructions applicable to this Power of Attorney are as follows:

  1. Limitations on Authority: The Agent is authorized to act only within the specific powers granted in this document and must not exceed these limitations without prior written consent from the Principal.

  2. Reporting Requirements: The Agent shall provide regular updates and reports to the Principal regarding any actions taken on their behalf, including financial transactions, legal proceedings, or healthcare decisions.

  3. Successor Agent: If the appointed Agent is unable or unwilling to act, the Principal designates [Successor Agent's Name] as the successor agent to assume the responsibilities outlined in this Power of Attorney.

  4. Specific Instructions: [Include any specific instructions or preferences the Principal wishes to convey to the Agent, such as preferences regarding investments, healthcare treatments, or property management.

III. Effective Date and Termination

This Power of Attorney will start on [Start Date] and will not terminate unless I revoke it or upon my death. The termination shall be communicated in writing to the Agent and any relevant third parties.

IV. Revocation of Prior Powers of Attorney

I hereby revoke any prior power of attorney granted by me.

V. Signatures

Signed this [DAY] day of [MONTH], [YEAR], at [CITY, PROVINCE], People's Republic of China.



VI. Notary Acknowledgment

On this [DATE] before me, [NOTARY'S NAME], a Notary Public in and for the above county and state, personally appeared [YOUR NAME], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.


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