Missouri Affidavit of Service

Missouri Affidavit of Service


I, [YOUR NAME], being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:

Statement of Facts

  1. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and competent to make this affidavit. I am not a party to the action entitled [CASE NAME], pending in the [COURT NAME], and my relationship with the parties involved is solely as a process server.

  2. On [SERVICE DATE], at approximately [SERVICE TIME], I served the following documents upon the following individual(s) named as defendant(s) in the aforementioned action:

    • Document Served: Eviction Notice

    • Name of Defendant(s): [DEFENDANT'S NAME]

    • Address of Service: [DEFENDANT'S ADDRESS]

    • Method of Service: Personal Service - the documents were handed directly to [DEFENDANT'S NAME]


I hereby affirm that I served the aforementioned documents personally upon the defendant(s) named above on the date and time mentioned.

I am aware of the penalties for making false statements in this affidavit, and I affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.



Sworn to and subscribed before me on this [DATE].


Notary Public

My Commission Expires:                               

Please ensure to fill in the relevant details such as your name, the date and time of service, the name(s) and address(es) of the defendant(s), the method of service, and your contact information. Additionally, if the affidavit requires notarization, it should be done in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

Affidavit Templates @ Template.net