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Real Estate Tenant Complaint Resolution

Real Estate Tenant Complaint Resolution

Dear [Second Party],

We hope this letter finds you well. We acknowledge receipt of your recent complaint regarding persistent issues with plumbing leaks and a pest infestation within your unit. We understand the inconvenience and discomfort these issues have caused and want to assure you that we are committed to addressing them promptly and effectively.

Complaint Details

Upon receiving your complaint, our property management team conducted a thorough review of the issues raised. Your detailed account, along with the provided documentation, including photos and maintenance requests, has been invaluable in our assessment.

Investigation Findings

Upon receiving your complaint, our property management team conducted a comprehensive investigation to assess the validity of the concerns raised. Here are the findings:

  • Plumbing Issue: Our maintenance team conducted an inspection of the reported leak in your bathroom plumbing. Upon examination, they confirmed the presence of a minor leak originating from a faulty pipe joint. This issue likely contributed to the moisture problem you reported. Immediate action has been taken to schedule repairs, which are set to commence within the next three business days.

  • Pest Infestation: A licensed pest control technician was dispatched to your unit to investigate the reported pest infestation. The technician identified evidence of [type of pest] activity, primarily concentrated in [specific areas]. This confirms the presence of the infestation as reported. A comprehensive treatment plan has been developed and is scheduled to be implemented on [Date], targeting the identified areas and implementing preventative measures to mitigate future occurrences.

  • Lease Agreement Review: Our team conducted a thorough review of your lease agreement to ensure compliance with all relevant terms and conditions. We have identified opportunities for adjustments to accommodate the inconveniences caused by the reported issues. As a gesture of goodwill and in recognition of the disruption to your living conditions, we have decided to provide a rent credit of [$0] for the month of [Month]. This adjustment will be reflected in your next month's rent statement.

  • Maintenance Oversight: We recognize that the reported issues may be indicative of broader maintenance concerns within the property. As such, our property management team will conduct a comprehensive review of the maintenance protocols and schedules to identify any gaps or deficiencies. This proactive approach will ensure that similar issues are promptly addressed and prevented in the future.

Proposed Resolution

To address your concerns and ensure your satisfaction as a valued tenant, we propose the following resolution:

  • Repair of Plumbing Issue: Our licensed plumber will be scheduled to repair the leak in the bathroom plumbing identified in your complaint. This repair is scheduled to be completed within the next three business days to minimize inconvenience to you.

  • Pest Control Treatment: We have arranged for a professional pest control service to conduct a thorough inspection and treatment of your unit for the reported pest infestation. This treatment is scheduled for [Date] and will include preventative measures to ensure long-term effectiveness.

  • Adjustment to Lease Terms: In recognition of the inconvenience caused by these issues, we will provide a rent credit of [$0] for the month of [Month]. This adjustment will be reflected in your next month's rent statement.

  • Ongoing Maintenance Monitoring: Moving forward, our property management team will implement a regular maintenance schedule to proactively address any potential issues and ensure the continued comfort and well-being of all tenants.

  • Open Communication Channel: We encourage you to continue to communicate any concerns or maintenance needs you may have. Our office remains available during business hours, and we have implemented an emergency contact line for urgent issues outside of regular hours.

  • Tenant Education Resources: Additionally, we will provide informational resources on best practices for maintaining a healthy living environment within your unit, including tips for pest prevention and proactive maintenance.

  • Tenant Satisfaction Guarantee: We are committed to your satisfaction as a tenant of [Property Name]. If you have any further concerns or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

  • Timeline: All proposed actions will be completed within the next [specified timeline], ensuring a swift resolution to your concerns.


We appreciate your cooperation and willingness to engage in discussions to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. During our negotiations, we carefully considered your concerns regarding the timeline for repairs and the extent of pest treatment required. We are pleased to inform you that we have adjusted our plans accordingly to ensure minimal disruption to your daily routine while effectively addressing the reported issues.

Implementation Plan

Our property management team is fully committed to implementing the proposed resolution in a timely manner. We have outlined a detailed implementation plan, including assigning responsibilities to our staff and contractors, to ensure that your concerns are addressed effectively.

Follow-Up Procedures

Once the resolution has been implemented, we will conduct a follow-up inspection to ensure that all issues have been satisfactorily resolved. Should you have any further concerns or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at [Your Company Number].

In conclusion, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for bringing your concerns to our attention. Your feedback is essential in helping us maintain the highest standards of service and satisfaction for all our tenants. We remain committed to ensuring your comfort and well-being throughout your tenancy.


[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

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