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Real Estate Property Management Financial Report

Real Estate Property Management Financial Report

I. Executive Summary

The financial performance of our real estate portfolio over the past quarter has shown a solid and stable growth trajectory, reflecting our strategic management and operational efficiencies. Despite facing a challenging market environment, we've successfully increased rental income and maintained control over operational expenses, resulting in a positive net operating income.

  • Total Rental Income: $1,500,000

  • Operating Expenses: $600,000

  • Net Operating Income (NOI): $900,000

  • Occupancy Rate: 95%

  • Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR): 1.8

The quarter under review has seen a total rental income of $1,500,000 against operating expenses totaling $600,000, culminating in a net operating income (NOI) of $900,000. These figures affirm the strength and profitability of our portfolio, underlining our commitment to maximizing investor value while ensuring tenant satisfaction.

II. Income Statement

The Income Statement provides a detailed view of our financial performance, highlighting revenue streams against the operational costs incurred during the period.


Amount (USD)

Total Rental Income


Other Income


Total Income


Operating Expenses


Net Operating Income (NOI)


Our portfolio generated a total income of $1,550,000 this quarter, including $50,000 from other income sources such as parking and laundry services. After accounting for operating expenses of $600,000, the net operating income stands at $950,000, reflecting our portfolio's strong cash flow and financial health.

III. Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet offers a snapshot of our portfolio's financial condition at the quarter's end, detailing assets, liabilities, and owners' equity.


Amount (USD)


Cash and Cash Equivalents


Accounts Receivable


Property Value


Total Assets



Accounts Payable


Mortgage Payable


Total Liabilities


Owners' Equity


Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity


Our assets, including cash, receivables, and property value, total $20,250,000, while liabilities stand at $12,100,000, primarily due to mortgage obligations. This leaves us with an owners' equity of $8,150,000, indicating a strong equity position and financial stability.

IV. Cash Flow Statement

The Cash Flow Statement provides an in-depth look at how funds have moved in and out of our real estate portfolio during the quarter, offering insights into operational efficiency, investment activities, and financing strategies.




Net Cash Flow (USD)

Operating Activities




Investing Activities




Financing Activities




Net Increase in Cash


This quarter, operational activities generated a net cash flow of $350,000, reflecting strong rental income and controlled operational expenditures. Investing activities, including property improvements, resulted in a cash outflow of $150,000. Financing activities, mainly loan repayments, led to a net outflow of $50,000. Overall, the portfolio experienced a net increase in cash of $150,000, bolstering our liquidity position.

V. Budget vs. Actual Analysis

The Budget vs. Actual Analysis compares our planned financial performance against actual results, providing critical insights into our portfolio's management efficiency.


Budgeted (USD)

Actual (USD)

Variance (USD)

Total Rental Income




Operating Expenses




Net Operating Income




The analysis reveals that our portfolio outperformed expectations this quarter, generating $100,000 more in rental income than budgeted. Operating expenses were $50,000 less than anticipated, resulting in a net operating income that exceeded our forecast by $150,000. This positive variance underscores our team's ability to maximize revenue and effectively control costs.

VI. Rent Roll

The Rent Roll section provides a detailed view of our current tenant composition, lease terms, and the financial health of our rental income stream.

Tenant Details

Tenant Name

Lease Term

Rental Rate (USD)

Payment Status

5 years



1 year



3 years


Late (30 days)

Occupancy and Income


Occupancy Rate

Average Rental Income (USD)

Building 1



Building 2



Retail Space



The Rent Roll illustrates our portfolio's strong occupancy rates and the diversity of our tenant base, contributing to a steady and reliable income stream. The majority of our tenants are current on their payments, with a notable exception that we are actively addressing to minimize financial impact. Overall, the high occupancy rates and favorable average rental incomes underscore the attractiveness and competitiveness of our properties in the market.

VII. Capital Expenditures

Capital expenditures are crucial for maintaining and enhancing the value of our real estate portfolio. These investments in property improvements not only ensure the satisfaction and retention of our tenants but also increase the property’s market value and rental income potential.

Property Improvement


Expected Impact

Roof Replacement, Building 1

End of life-cycle, frequent repairs

Improve tenant satisfaction, prevent future maintenance issues

HVAC System Upgrade, Building 2

Energy efficiency, old system breakdown

Lower operating costs, enhance tenant comfort

Lobby Renovation, Retail Space

Modernization, competitive market

Attract higher-quality tenants, increase foot traffic

These strategic investments are expected to significantly contribute to the operational efficiency, tenant satisfaction, and overall competitiveness of our properties, aligning with our long-term asset management and growth strategy.

VIII. Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)

The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is a key financial metric that helps us assess the ability of our real estate portfolio to cover debt obligations from its operational income. A DSCR greater than 1 indicates a positive cash flow sufficient to cover debt payments.


Amount (USD)

Net Operating Income (NOI)


Debt Service




With a DSCR of 1.9 for this quarter, our portfolio demonstrates strong financial health and the ability to comfortably meet its debt obligations, ensuring financial stability and investor confidence.

IX. Arrears and Collections Report

Managing arrears and efficiently collecting past-due accounts is essential for maintaining healthy cash flow and minimizing financial risks associated with tenant delinquencies.

Past-Due Account

Amount (USD)

Effort to Collect

XYZ Retail


Payment plan, late fee notice

Tenant B, Apartment 201


Direct communication, warning

The majority of our tenants consistently meet their rental obligations on time, contributing to the robustness and reliability of our income stream. The instances of arrears are closely monitored and addressed through a combination of empathy, clear communication, and firmness, balancing tenant retention with the imperative of maintaining a healthy cash flow. This quarter’s efforts have demonstrated effectiveness, with significant progress made in reducing outstanding arrears and reinforcing the importance of timely payments.

X. Market Analysis and Projections

Our comprehensive market analysis indicates a steady demand for both residential and commercial spaces within our target regions, supported by positive economic indicators and demographic trends. The current competitive landscape presents both challenges and opportunities, with a trend towards modern, flexible spaces that cater to the evolving needs of businesses and residents alike. Our projections for the upcoming quarters are optimistic, based on current market trends and the strategic positioning of our portfolio. We anticipate continued growth in rental income as our recent capital improvements and strategic marketing initiatives attract higher-quality tenants and reduce vacancies. Additionally, we are closely monitoring potential market shifts, including interest rate changes and economic developments, to adjust our strategies accordingly and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

XI. Conclusion

In conclusion, this financial report underscores the robust health and promising outlook of our real estate portfolio. Through strategic management, targeted capital expenditures, and proactive financial oversight, we have not only navigated the complexities of the current market but have positioned ourselves for sustained growth and profitability. Our ongoing efforts to enhance property values, optimize operational efficiencies, and maintain strong tenant relationships are foundational to our success. As we look forward, we remain committed to maximizing the returns on our investments while adapting to the evolving real estate landscape, ensuring the continued success and growth of our portfolio.

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