Free Ohio Affidavit of Service Template



Free Ohio Affidavit of Service Template

Ohio Affidavit of Service


COUNTY OF [County Name]


I, [YOUR NAME], being duly sworn, depose and say:

Statement of Facts:

  1. I, [YOUR NAME], hereby affirm under oath. I am currently engaged as [Server's Occupation], which positions me as the individual responsible for serving the document(s) pertinent to this case.

  2. My contact information is as follows: residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], with my telephone number listed as [YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER].

  3. This affidavit is executed in my capacity as the server of the document(s), and I confirm that I have no personal interest in the outcome of the proceedings for which the service of document(s) is carried out.

  4. On the [Date of Service], at approximately [Time of Service], I performed the service of the document(s) on behalf of [Landlord's Full Name or Company Name], who holds the position of the landlord in this matter, to [Tenant's Full Name], the tenant currently engaged in the tenancy dispute.

  5. The documents served include [Document Title(s)], such as the Eviction Notice / Notice to Quit, pertaining to Case Number [If applicable].

  6. This action took place at the property located at [Address of Rental Property], which is the subject of the aforementioned dispute.

  7. The delivery of these documents is crucial in formalizing the landlord's intent and ensuring that the tenant is fully informed of the legal proceedings affecting their tenancy.

  8. Service was effected through personal delivery, wherein I handed the document(s) directly to [Tenant's Full Name], thereby ensuring that the recipient was properly notified of the legal actions being taken against them.

  9. This crucial interaction took place at [Location of Service], chosen for its relevance to the tenant's daily routine and its suitability for the service process.

  10. In situations where personal service was not viable, an alternative approach was employed. The documents were left with [Name], a person of suitable age and discretion residing at the tenant's premises.

  11. This measure was taken after diligent efforts to achieve personal service proved unsuccessful. Each attempt was carefully documented to fulfill the requirements for due diligence in the service process, aligning with the standards prescribed for such situations.

Additional Details:

[Provide any additional details about the service, such as the reaction of the tenant, descriptions of the premises if relevant to understanding the service process, and any other pertinent observations.]


I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Ohio that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on [DAY] of [MONTH], [YEAR], at [City, County], Ohio.



Subscribed and sworn to before me this [DAY] of [MONTH], [YEAR].

[Notary Public’s Name]

Notary Public, State of Ohio

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