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Artificial Intelligence Syllabus

Artificial Intelligence Syllabus

Artificial Intelligence Syllabus Course

Course Title:


















Office Hours:


1. Course Description:

This course provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The aim of the course is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, design, and use AI systems and technologies in various fields.

2. Instructor Information:

Course Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

Contact Information: [YOUR EMAIL]

3. Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the basic concepts, principles, and history of AI.

  • Design and implement simple AI systems.

  • Apply AI technologies in various fields.

  • Evaluate the ethical and social implications of AI.

  • To analyze and interpret AI data and research findings.

4. Course Schedule:





Introduction to AI

  • Read chapters 1-3 from textbook

  • Watch introductory lecture video

  • Complete quiz on basic concepts


Machine Learning Basics

  • Study supervised and unsupervised learning

  • algorithms

  • Implement linear regression in Python

  • Submit mini-project on dataset exploration


Neural Networks and Deep Learning

  • Learn about feedforward and recurrent

  • neural networks

  • Experiment with building a simple NN

  • Research and present a recent AI application

5. Required Reading and Materials:

  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig.

  • Artificial Intelligence by George F. Luger.

  • Online resources provided by the instructor.

  • Supplementary reading materials recommended by the instructor.

  • Laptop/computer with internet connection and installation of necessary software.

6. Assignments and Assessments:

  • Weekly Reading Assignments: Students are expected to complete the assigned readings prior to class.

  • Group Projects: Students will work in teams to design and implement AI systems.

  • Exams: There will be a mid-term and final exams to evaluate students' knowledge and understanding.

  • Research Paper: A research paper on a selected topic related to AI.

  • Class Participation: Active engagement and participation in class discussions and activities.

7. Course Policy:

  • Attendance: Regular attendance is mandatory. Absences will be excused in the case of illness or emergency.

  • Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected at all times. Any form of cheating or plagiarism will result in disciplinary action.

  • Communication: All course-related communications should be carried out through official channels.

  • Assignment Submission: All assignments should be submitted by the given deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.

  • Respect and Professionalism: Respect and professionalism in all interactions with classmates and the instructor are expected.

8. Grading Policy:

Grades will be determined based on the completion and quality of assignments and assessments, participation in class discussions, and attendance. Specific grading rubrics will be provided for each assignment and assessment.

9. Disclaimer:

This course syllabus is not set in stone and may undergo potential changes or modifications as deemed necessary. In the event of any alterations, current information about these changes will be duly communicated with adequate notice for your planning. As a student, you are obliged to consistently check updates pertaining to this syllabus and ensure that you remain well-informed on any alterations.

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