Free College Syllabus Template



Free College Syllabus Template

College Syllabus

Biology Course

Course Title:

Introduction to Biology

Course Code:


Class Time:

Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Class Duration:

September 30, 2064 - December 15, 2064

1. Course Title and Description

Introductory Biology - This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and concepts of biology, including cellular structure and function, genetics, evolution, taxonomy, and ecology. This is designed for undergraduates who are interested in pursuing higher-level studies in the biological sciences.

2. Instructor Information

  • Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

  • Email: [YOUR EMAIL]

  • Institution: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand the fundamental principles of biology.

  • Acquire knowledge of biological terminology and methodology.

  • Develop analytical and problem-solving skills related to biology.

  • Cultivate the ability to interpret and analyze biological data.

  • Get an introductory exposure to laboratory techniques, safety, and ethics in biology.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Biology

  • Chapter 1: The Science of Biology

  • Introduction to Cells

  • Basics of Genetics

  • Evolutionary Principles


Cellular Structure and Function

  • Chapter 4: Cell Structure and Function

  • Cell Membrane Structure and Function

  • Organelles and their Functions

  • Cell Cycle and Cell Division


Genetics and Heredity

  • Chapter 5: Mendelian Genetics

  • Laws of Inheritance

  • Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

  • Genetic Disorders and Diseases

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • Textbook: "Biology: A Guide to the Natural World" by David Krogh

  • Laboratory manual: "Laboratory Studies in Integrated Principles of Zoology"

  • Goggles and laboratory coat for safety during laboratory sessions

  • Access to an internet-connected device for online assignments and tests

  • Scientific calculator

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Weekly reading assignments from the textbook

  • Students are expected to complete the assigned reading before the week begins.

  • Bi-weekly online quizzes on the lecture material and reading assignments

  • These short quizzes aim to reinforce the material learned in lecture and from the textbook.

  • Three midterm exams, one after each main unit of study

  • These exams will test students' comprehensive understanding of the material covered in the units.

  • A comprehensive final exam

  • The final exam will cover all material from the course.

  • A final group project presentation

  • Students will work in groups to investigate a biological phenomenon and present their findings.

7. Course Policy

  • Attendance: Regular attendance is expected. Students are responsible for any material covered or assignments given during their absence.

  • Late work: Assignments turned in after the due date will lose points. No assignments will be accepted after one week past the due date.

  • Academic integrity: Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.

  • Classroom conduct: Respect for classmates and the instructor is required at all times. Cell phones should be silent during class.

  • Safety: All safety guidelines must be followed during laboratory sessions.

8. Grading Policy











Final Exam


Group Project





This syllabus is subject to change as necessary during the course. Any changes will be communicated to students in a timely manner. This syllabus does not form any sort of contract, explicit or implied and should be used only as a guide to course procedures, grading standards, dates, etc.

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