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Freshman Composition Syllabus

Freshman Composition Syllabus

Freshman Composition Syllabus Course

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1. Course Description

This Freshman Composition Course is aimed at educating students on the basics of written English. It includes understanding and utilizing different writing styles, from essays to research reports, and equipping them with effective writing strategies. This course is intended as an all-around training ground for effective written communication in academic settings.

2. Instructor Information

Position: [POSITION]
Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]
Contact: [YOUR EMAIL]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Develop a clear understanding of the mechanics of writing and sentence structure.

  • Create well-structured, focused, and articulate essays.

  • Conduct research and incorporate findings into written work.

  • Apply critical thinking skills in composing arguments and in peer reviews.

  • Develop effective strategies for revising and improving written work.

4. Course Schedule



Activities & Assignments


Introduction to Writing

  • Overview of course objectives and expectations

  • Icebreaker activities to build rapport

  • Discussion on the importance of effective communication

  • Assignment: Write a brief self-introduction essay


Developing Writing Skills

  • Understanding the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing

  • Introduction to different writing styles and genres

  • Peer review workshop on a short descriptive essay

  • Assignment: Draft a narrative essay based on personal experience


Research and Citation

  • Introduction to academic research methods and citation styles

  • Library orientation session

  • Practice incorporating sources into writing

  • Assignment: Write a research paper with proper citations on a chosen topic

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • "Rules for Writers" - Diana Hacker

  • "The Elements of Style" - Strunk & White

  • "On Writing" - Stephen King

  • "The Norton Field Guide to Writing" - Richard Bullock, Maureen Daly Goggin, and Francine Weinberg

  • Online research articles, resources, and tools

6. Classroom Policies:

  • Attendance: Regular attendance and active participation are essential for success in this course.

  • Assignment Submission: Assignments should be submitted on time to receive full credit.

  • Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.

  • Respectful Behavior: Respectful and constructive interaction with peers and the instructor is expected at all times.

7. Assignments and Assessments

  • Essay Writing: Students will choose from a range of topics and write coherent and structured essays.

  • Research Project: Students will conduct research on a selected topic and prepare a comprehensive report summarizing their findings.

  • Peer Reviews: Students will analyze and provide feedback on each other's work.

  • Quizzes: Weekly quizzes to test the understanding of the concepts covered.

  • Final Exam: A comprehensive final exam covering all course content.

8. Course Policy

  • Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes unless sick or excused with a valid reason.

  • Participation: Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions and activities.

  • Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and cheating are strictly prohibited. Any violations will result in course failure and disciplinary action.

  • Late Work: Assignments submitted past the due date will receive a grade deduction unless excused with a valid reason.

  • Respect: All students are expected to maintain a respectful classroom environment.

9. Grading Policy

The determination of final grades takes into consideration the cumulative points that a student has been able to gather from different areas. These areas include quizzes that have been taken throughout the duration of the course, the various assignments that have been submitted, the grade that was achieved in the mid-term examination, as well as the grade received from the final exam at the end of the course.

10. Disclaimer

The individual who is teaching the course, also known as the instructor, retains the privilege and authority to make modifications or adjustments to this course outline, which is commonly referred to as the syllabus, if it is deemed necessary at any point throughout the duration of the semester. Should there be any changes made to the syllabus, these changes will be revealed and communicated in a clear and understandable manner directly to those that are participating in the class, or the students.

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