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Weekly Syllabus

Weekly Syllabus

Weekly Course

Course Title


Course Code


Institution Hours


Class Location


Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

This course provides students with an overview of digital marketing concepts, tools, and methods. The aim is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to design, deploy, and assess effective digital marketing strategies.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor Name: [YOUR NAME]


Institution: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand the principles and best practices of digital marketing.

  • Recognize digital tools and platforms, and their application in marketing.

  • Create an efficient digital marketing strategy.

  • Analyze data from digital marketing efforts to improve strategies.

  • Exemplify ethical and professional behavior in digital marketing.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Digital Marketing

  • Overview of digital marketing landscape

  • Evolution of digital marketing channels

  • Key concepts and terminology


Website Design and Optimization

  • Principles of effective website design

  • User experience (UX) considerations

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) fundamentals


Content Marketing and Social Media

  • Content marketing strategies and tactics

  • Social media platforms and their role in digital marketing

  • Creating engaging content for social media


Email Marketing and Automation

  • Email marketing best practices

  • Automation tools and workflows

  • Introduction to PPC advertising


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

  • Introduction to PPC advertising

  • Google Ads and other PPC platforms

  • Keyword research and ad copywriting techniques


Display and Video Advertising

  • Display advertising formats and targeting options

  • Video advertising strategies and platforms

  • Creating compelling visual content for ads


Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Analytics

  • SEM strategies for driving traffic and conversions

  • Introduction to Google Analytics

  • Interpreting and analyzing digital marketing metrics


Mobile Marketing and App Promotion

  • Mobile marketing trends and opportunities

  • App promotion strategies and tactics

  • Mobile advertising platforms and optimization techniques

5. Required Reading and Materials

  • "Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation, and Practice" – Dave Chaffey & Fiona Ellis-Chadwick

  • "Online Marketing Inside Out" – Brandon Eley & Shayne Tilley

  • Google Digital Garage Complete Course Materials

  • A personal laptop or desktop computer with internet access

  • An active Google Workspace Account for Gmail, Google Drive, etc.

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Weekly Discussion Posts: Students will participate in online discussions related to the weekly topics.

  • Digital Marketing Campaign Project: Students will develop a digital marketing campaign for a chosen product or service, including a written plan and presentation.

  • Case Study Analysis: Students will analyze real-world digital marketing case studies and present their findings.

  • Quizzes and Exams: There will be periodic quizzes and a final exam covering course material.

7. Course Policy

  • Attendance: Regular course attendance is required.

  • Participation: Active participation in class discussions and group activities is expected.

  • Submissions: Assignments must be submitted on time; late submissions will result in a grade reduction.

  • Academic Integrity: Any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and may result in severe academic consequences.

  • Email Communication Policy: Email communication from students should be professional and respectful. Emails will be responded to within 24 hours, except on weekends.

8. Grading Policy







Class Participation


Final Exams


9. Additional Resources

  • Online Tutorials and Resources: Online tutorials and resources suggested by the instructor will enhance course materials, offering extra understanding and practical knowledge to support learning objectives.

  • Guest Speakers: Guest speakers from the industry will share their digital marketing expertise and experiences, providing students with valuable insights into current trends and best practices.

  • Relevant Articles, Videos, and Podcasts: Students can access an array of digital marketing resources such as articles, videos, and podcasts to enhance classroom lessons, delve deeper into key concepts, and stay informed about industry trends.


This syllabus may be subject to changes, modifications, or adjustments as necessitated by unforeseen circumstances or to better the course. Any changes will be communicated by the Instructor in a timely manner.

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