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Real Estate Notice of Assignment, Sale, or Transfer of Servicing Rights

Real Estate Notice of Assignment, Sale, or Transfer of Servicing Rights

[Month, Day, Year]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

We hope this notice finds you well. This letter serves as formal notification of the assignment, sale, or transfer of servicing rights related to your mortgage loan account. Effective from [Month, Day, Year], [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor") has assigned, sold, or transferred the servicing rights for your mortgage loan account number [#123456789] to [Assignee's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee").

The transfer of servicing rights does not affect any other terms or conditions of your mortgage loan agreement except those directly related to the servicing of the loan. Below are the details of the assignment, sale, or transfer:



Effective Date:

Loan Account Number:

Please note that this transfer of servicing rights does not affect any terms or conditions of your mortgage loan agreement, including the interest rate, loan balance, or repayment terms. All rights and obligations under the original loan agreement remain unchanged. Additionally, the transfer of servicing rights will not affect your ability to make payments or access account information. You will continue to make payments as usual, and any inquiries regarding your mortgage loan should be directed to the new servicer, [Assignee's Name], at [Assignee's Contact Information].

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this notice or the transfer of servicing rights, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email].

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Real Estate Agent]

[Your Company Name]

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