Free Real Estate Buyer Interest Form Template

Real Estate Buyer Interest Form

This form is structured for potential buyers to express their interest in properties managed by [Your Company Name]. Providing detailed information enables us to match you with listings that best fit your preferences and requirements. Please fill out this form with accurate and comprehensive details to assist us in finding your ideal property.

Buyer Information

Full Name

Contact Number

Email Address

Current Address

Property Preferences

Desired Location(s)

Type of Property (e.g., House, Condo, etc.)

Price Range

Number of Bedrooms

Number of Bathrooms

Special Requirements (e.g., garage, pool)

Financial Information

Pre-approved for Mortgage?

Mortgage Lender (if applicable)

Budget for Down Payment

Additional Comments


Agent Use Only

Agent Assigned

Date Received

Follow-Up Date


This form is a critical step in our process to understand and meet your real estate needs. Your detailed responses enable us to provide personalized and efficient service. We look forward to assisting you in finding your perfect home. Thank you for considering [Your Company Name].

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