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Real Estate Financial Statement Form

Real Estate Financial Statement Form

This form is designed for property owners and investors to provide a comprehensive overview of the financial performance of their real estate assets managed by [Your Company Name]. Accurate and detailed financial information is crucial for effective property management and investment analysis. Please ensure all data entered is current and correct to facilitate accurate reporting and decision-making.

Property Information

Property Address

Property ID

Type of Property (e.g., Residential, Commercial)

Income Details

Monthly Rental Income

Other Income (e.g., Parking, Laundry)

Total Monthly Income

Expense Details

Mortgage/Loan Payment

Property Management Fees

Maintenance and Repairs



Utilities (if applicable)

Other Expenses

Total Monthly Expenses

Net Operating Income

Monthly Net Operating Income

Owner/Investor Information

Full Name

[Your Name]

Contact Number

Email Address

Management Use Only

Reviewed By

Review Date




[Your Name]

Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

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