Free Georgia Affidavit of Domicile Template



Free Georgia Affidavit of Domicile Template

Georgia Affidavit of Domicile


I, [Your Name], as the affiant, solemnly depose and say under oath:

Identification of Deceased

The individual known as [Name of Deceased], born on [Date of Birth], departed from this life on [Date of Death] within the City/County of [City/County Name], in the State of Georgia.

Domicile Information

At the time of passing, the decedent resided at [Deceased's Address].

Duration of Residency

The decedent established residency at the aforementioned address for [Number] years prior to their demise.

Designation of Legal Residence

The cited address served as the decedent's legal domicile, wherein they were registered for electoral participation, received correspondence, maintained a driver's license, and fulfilled tax obligations.

Management of Assets

The decedent managed diverse assets, encompassing financial accounts, real estate holdings, and investments, all associated with the domicile mentioned above.

Expression of Domiciliary Intent

The decedent consistently demonstrated the intent to preserve their domicile at the stated address on an indefinite basis.

Declaration and Affirmation

I attest that the declarations presented herein are factual and accurate to the best of my understanding and belief.


[Your Name]

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