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Real Estate Home Value Estimate Form

Real Estate Home Value Estimate Form

Please fill out this form with detailed information about your property to receive an accurate home value estimate. We will review your submission and contact you with our findings.

Homeowner Information





  • Email

  • Phone

Property Details




  • Single Family Home

  • Condo

  • Townhouse

  • Multi-family

Year Built

Total Living Area (sq ft)

Lot Size
(sq ft)

No. of Bedrooms

No. of Bathrooms

Parking Type

  • Garage

  • Carport

  • Street

  • None

Unique Features

Financial and Legal Information

Estimated Property Value (if known)

Current Mortgage Balance (if any)

Are there any liens against the property?

  • Yes

  • No

Is the property currently listed?

If Yes, with which Real Estate Agency?

  • Yes,                               

  • No

Additional Details

Recent Home Improvements

Current Condition of the Property

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Fair

  • Poor

Reason for Requesting Estimate

Consent and Acknowledgment

I hereby confirm that all information provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be contacted by your team to discuss the home value estimate and understand that this estimate is not an appraisal.


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